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Obama to detail plans on Ebola offensive on Tuesday: WSJ


Reporting by Rodrigo Campos in New York; Editing by Eric Walsh

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The sad legacy of 9/11: Isis and al-Qaida are stronger than ever

 It is the sad legacy of our response to 9/11 that bin Ladenism has spread far beyond Osama bin Laden’s wildest dreams. Illustration: Steve Haske for Guardian US Opinion

Image:  It is the sad legacy of our response to 9/11 that bin Ladenism has spread far beyond Osama bin Laden’s wildest dreams. Illustration: Steve Haske for Guardian US Opinion - September 11th, 2014 - Ali Soufan

In the years leading up to the attacks of 11 September 2001, the west saw al-Qaida rising but didn’t address the threat in time. My colleagues and I in the FBI and over at the CIA had been focused on al-Qaida since the mid-1990s. The true threat, however, came from the ideology, not the group.


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World Council Of Churches Divests From Fossil Fuels - August 29th, 2014 - Yasmine Hafiz

The World Council of Churches, which represents over 500 million Christians in more than 110 countries, has decided to divest from fossil fuels, reports The Guardian.

The WCC Central Committee, which includes religious leaders from around the world, voted to include fossil fuel companies in the sectors that WCC will not invest in on ethical grounds, according to a statement from, an international enviromental campaign.

A report from the WCC's finance policy committee simply states, "The committee discussed the ethical investment criteria, and considered that the list of sectors in which the WCC does not invest should be extended to include fossil fuels."


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U.S. Scientists See Long Fight Against Ebola

 A woman in Monrovia, Liberia, passed a man believed to be infected with Ebola. Researchers say it could take 12 to 18 months to bring the epidemic under control. Credit Abbas Dulleh/Associated Press

Image: A woman in Monrovia, Liberia, passed a man believed to be infected with Ebola. Researchers say it could take 12 to 18 months to bring the epidemic under control. Credit Abbas Dulleh/Associated Press - September 12th, 2014 - Denise Grady

The deadly Ebola outbreak sweeping across three countries in West Africa is likely to last 12 to 18 months more, much longer than anticipated, and could infect hundreds of thousands of people before it is brought under control, say scientists mapping its spread for the federal government.

“We hope we’re wrong,” said Bryan Lewis, an epidemiologist at the Virginia Bioinformatics Institute at Virginia Tech.

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‘It doesn’t make sense’: Concerns over enlisting DoD in Ebola response

The Obama administration’s decision to enlist the Defense Department in responding to the Ebola outbreak in West Africa is raising concerns that the task is pulling the already-stretched military away from other missions, including vital counter-terrorism operations.

According to a senior military official, General Martin Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs, said at a recent meeting: "The Department of Defense's number one priority is combating Ebola."

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President Barack Obama to discuss US response to the Ebola epidemic

Sep 13 2014 - 6:10am by Charles Omedo -

Come next week, the United States president, Barack Obama will get personal briefing on the Ebola virus situation in West Africa from medical experts working on the epidemic, and he will also use the opportunity to lay out his government’s response plan for combating the deadly epidemic.

Four American doctors and nurses have contracted the fatal disease but were lucky to have survived after being flown back to the US for treatments with experimental drugs and blood serums. The disease has however killed over 2,550 victims according to the World Health Organization (WHO) and over 4,300 currently infected with the epidemic in West Africa.

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Are electricity-eating bacteria the next big thing in green fuel?

By Michael Keller - Published August 20, 2014
Editor's Note: This story is republished with permission from Txchnologist, a digital magazine that follows innovation in science and technology.

There's a large and growing list of renewable energy projects pumping out cleaner electricity these days. Photovoltaic panels produce direct current and solar concentrators drive steam turbines using sunlight. Wind turbines churning out megawatts of power dot the landscape of many countries. Other projects are looking to light communities through tides, running rivers and even the heat of the Earth.

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Risk and Risk Underwriting

In writing about the importance of promoting private enterprise, as well as in many other sections of my work, I suggested an almost near certainty that the risk management industry eventually will facilitate resilience and structural adaptivity in our built environment.  In my larger draft, I included a short section about this, which I am posting below (somewhat revised).  I believe it is beneficial to share this section now in order to explain my optimism for resilience. (I also wrote short sections on Time, Rapid Change, Optimism, A Futurist Perspective, and The Human Factor but do not necessarily intend to post them here.)


The future will be all about risk and trying to find protection from the rapidly increasing threats to our world as we advance in population size, social/cultural/economic complexity, and cutting-edge science and technology.  Risk underwriting will play a big role in how well or how poorly we adapt to accelerating change. 


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Now Is the Time to Act on Climate Change - September 2nd, 2014 - Ban Ki-moon

Climate change has been one of my top priorities since the day I took office in 2007. I said then that if we care about our legacy for succeeding generations, this is the time for decisive global action. I have been pleased to see climate change rise on the political agenda and in the consciousness of people worldwide.


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Épidémie d'Ebola : Appel à Send dans armées d'Afrique de l'Ouest pour aider le trottoir épidémie

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Tête de Médecins sans Frontières dit le monde est "perdre la bataille" comme des cas et décès continuent de surtension

MSF - - par Sarah Boulongne - 2 septembre 2014

Équipes militaires doivent être envoyées à l'Afrique de l'Ouest immédiatement si il doit y avoir un quelconque espoir de maîtriser l'épidémie d'Ebola, médecins sur la ligne de front, a déclaré l'ONU mardi, un tableau saisissant des agents de santé meurent, malades laissés sans soins et organismes infectieux se trouvant dans les rues.

Le Président international de Médecins sans Frontières (MSF), Dr Joanne Liu, dit membre déclare que bien que la sonnette d'alarme avait été sonner pendant six mois, la réponse a été trop peu, trop tard, et aucune quantité de vaccins et nouveaux médicaments ne serait en mesure d'empêcher la catastrophe escalade.

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