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Obama: U.S. Vous Musclez aéroport projections pour Ebola

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De Zeke J. Miller le 6 oct. 2014 17:24

Le Président Barack Obama a déclaré lundi que les Etats-Unis travaille sur des projections de passager supplémentaire pour les passagers aériens battant de l'Afrique de l'Ouest frappé par Ebola, deux semaines après un homme libérien infecté par la maladie sont entrés dans le pays.

Fonctionnaires « vont travailler sur les protocoles de faire des projections de passager supplémentaire à la fois source et ici aux Etats-Unis, » Obama a déclaré, adressage des journalistes après une réunion d'information sur la réponse de son administration à l'épidémie en Afrique et au maintien de la maladie ne se propage aux Etats-Unis "toutes ces choses me font confiant qu'ici aux États-Unis au moins les chances d'une éclosiond'une épidémie ici sont extraordinairement faibles. "

Le Président n'a pas donné de détails sur les nouvelles mesures de dépistage, et Dr. Tom Frieden, directeur des Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) a refusé de préciser plus en détail dans une interview avec CNN, après la réunion.

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La FDA approuve l'utilisation du médicament expérimental de virus Ebola

La colline 6 octobre 2014
par Sarah Ferris

Washington--la Food and Drug Administration (FDA) lundi a approuvé l'utilisation d'un médicament expérimental qui a été saluée comme l'une des meilleures chances de l'industrie pharmaceutique à lutter contre le virus Ebola.

Chimerix, une société biopharmaceutique axée sur la Caroline du Nord, a annoncé lundi qu'il a reçu l'approbation pour administrer un médicament antiviral appelé brincidofovir qui a traité avec succès le virus d'Ebola dans les tests en laboratoire.

La drogue a également été testée par les Centers for Disease Control and Prevention et le National Institutes of Health, bien qu'il ne devrait pas obtenir l'approbation pour un usage grand public jusqu'à fin 2016.

une autre drogue qui a été utilisée pour traiter les patients infectés par le virus Ebola, TKM-Ebola, a également été autorisée pour une utilisation d'urgence par la FDA... Le médicament, produit par la Canadian drugmaker Tekmira, a reçu une désignation de « fast track » et est encore en cours des essais cliniques.

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Chatter en ligne jihadi explique l'utilisation de virus Ebola comme arme contre l'Occident

La sécurité intérieure aujourd'hui 3 octobre 2014

Par : Anthony Kimery, rédacteur en chef

djihadistes et partisans de l'État islamique ont intensifié des discussions sur des sites Web jihadistes médias sociaux sur la possibilité et la facilité d'utilisation d'Ebola, ainsi que d'autres pathogènes virulents et poisons, comme armes contre les Etats-Unis et l'Occident, le Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI), a déclaré vendredi.

Homeland Security aujourd'hui pour la première fois le 4 août que des responsables américains contre le terrorisme ont été concernés que groupes ihadist basé en Afrique, lié à Al-Qaïda pourraient tenter de profiter de l'épidémie d'Ebola en Afrique de l'ouest en envoyant Ebola infectée "bio-martyrs" aux Etats-Unis. Les fonctionnaires dit qu'ils pourraient être des membres d'Al Shabaab--qui ont été pris cette année écoulée, essayant d'entrer aux États-Unis par l'intermédiaire de la vallée du Rio Grande au Texas, selon des sources de renseignement--sauvage Boko Haram ou Al Qaeda au Maghreb islamique du Nigeria.

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As Ebola patient in Texas fights for his life, his family copes with stigma and isolation



By DeNeen L. Brown, Abby Phillip and Sean Sullivan October 5 at 8:05 PM

DALLAS — As a Liberian man diagnosed with Ebola was fighting to survive Sunday in a Texas hospital, his worried family members and others who were in contact with him said they are being ostracized by the local Liberian community, which is struggling to cope with fear, isolation and the stigma associated with the deadly disease.

A cleanup crew on Sunday sanitizes the apartment where Ebola patient Thomas Eric Duncan was staying before being admitted to a hospital in Dallas. (Joe Raedle/Getty Images)

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Ebola's shadow extends to would-be Mecca pilgrims




Al Jazeera                              Oct 5, 2014

Millions of pilgrims from all corners of the world traveled to Saudi Arabia for the start of the hajj in the past week, but some West African Muslims will not be able to take part in the sacred journey this year because of public health fears surrounding the Ebola outbreak.

Saudi Arabia issued a travel ban on citizens of Liberia, Guinea and Sierra Leone as what it called a “precautionary measure,” saying the risk of Ebola infection is too high for travelers from those countries to be allowed entry now.

The Ebola-stricken countries each have sizable Muslim populations... Saudi authorities have turned down about 7,000 requests for hajj visas from the three countries because of Ebola concerns, according to the United Nations.

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OUT OF CONTROL: How the world’s health organizations failed to stop the Ebola Disaster

WASHINGTON POST's  detailed front page account of how the Ebola epidemic got out of control in West Africa.  Oct. 5, 2014

     by Lena Sun, Bradly Dennis, Lenny Bernstein and Joel Achenbach

The glow from a crematorium lights the sky as the bodies of people who died from Ebola are cremated last month in Monrovia


.... "The virus easily outran the plodding response. The WHO, an arm of the United Nations, is responsible for coordinating international action in a crisis like this, but it has suffered budget cuts, has lost many of its brightest minds and was slow to sound a global alarm on Ebola. Not until Aug. 8, 4 1 ⁄ 2 months into the epidemic, did the organization declare a global emergency. Its Africa office, which oversees the region, initially did not welcome a robust role by the CDC in the response to the outbreak.

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U.S. nurses say they are unprepared to handle Ebola patients

REUTERS                         Oct 3. 2014

CHICAGO (Reuters) - Nurses, the frontline care providers in U.S. hospitals, say they are untrained and unprepared to handle patients arriving in their hospital emergency departments infected with Ebola.

Many say they have gone to hospital managers, seeking training on how to best care for patients and protect themselves and their families from contracting the deadly disease....

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has repeatedly said that U.S. hospitals are prepared to handle such patients. Many infectious disease experts agree with that assessment.

... Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital in Dallas that is now caring for the first Ebola patient to be diagnosed in this country had completed Ebola training just before Thomas Eric Duncan arrived in their emergency department on Sept. 26. But despite being told that Duncan had recently traveled from Liberia, hospital staff failed to recognize the Ebola risk and sent him home, where he spent another two days becoming sicker and more infectious.

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As U.S. Ebola Fears Widen, Reports of Possible Cases Grow

NEW YORK TIMES                 OCT. 5 2014

by and

 ....Since Eobla began spreading rapidly across West Africa this summer, the C.D.C. said, it has assessed more than 100 possible cases in the United States but only the Dallas case has been confirmed.

But increased attention about the virus has jangled nerves around the country, particularly among West African immigrant communities and recent travelers to that region, and placed health care workers on a kind of high alert. “We expect that we will see more rumors, or concerns, or possibilities of cases,” Dr. Thomas R. Frieden, director of the federal C.D.C., said Saturday. “Until there is a positive laboratory test, that is what they are — rumors and concerns.”


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Ebola Victim's Air Journey shows weak spots in screening.

NEW YORK TIMES              October 3, 2014

MONROVIA, Liberia — The arrival in the United States of a Liberian man infected with the Ebola virus shows how difficult it is to control or restrict the disease from spreading, and how porous current procedures are in a world of globalized air travel.

Liberian officials said on Thursday that they planned to prosecute the passenger, Thomas E. Duncan, for lying on an airport questionnaire about not having contact with a person infected with Ebola before his travel — a pivotal part of the country’s screening process.

Mr. Duncan took three planes as he flew from Monrovia, the Liberian capital, to Dallas last month, connecting in Brussels and Washington.

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U.S. Efforts to combat Ebola in Africa hampered by local conditions

NEW YORK TIMES                Oct 3, 2014
by Helene cooper


Detailed description of the delays and problems the U.S. military is facing in building hospital and other facilities to counter the Ebola epidemic.

Problems include breakdowns in equipment used by local contrators in preparing the sites and need to repair the battered runways of the main Liberian airport.

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