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Housing / Shelter

Homeless Nepalis Sleep Outside As Fierce Monsoon Rains Approach

      - reuters - May 19, 2015

THALI, Nepal, May 19 (Reuters) - Nepali tea shop owner Phurba Sherpa has spent four nights cramped under a tarpaulin with his wife and nine others on a school field outside Kathmandu since falling rocks triggered by an earthquake last week demolished his distant mountain village.

The Nepali government is struggling to provide shelter for more than a million people like Sherpa who were uprooted by two massive earthquakes, first on April 25 and then 17 days later.

Tens of thousands are sleeping in the open, with monsoon rains possibly little more than a fortnight away.


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Hexayurt Shelter

(originally posted November 10, 2012)

A hexayurt is a shelter designed for people with a small housing budget.

The Hexayurt can be made from about $300 of materials from Home Depot, plus about $100-150 of mail-ordered tape. Depending on the construction technique, it takes 4-8 hours to prepare at home and 1-4 hours of assembly at your destination.

Here are the specifics on the 8 ft. version (aka H12) . . .

From the 8' Hexayurt instructions, you can probably learn to make any other hexayurt design.  Here is a photo of  the 12 ft. version (aka H18) . . .

Here is additional information on the Hexayurt shelter . . .

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Tents, Tarpaulins and Tigers: Mountain Communities in Nepal Struggle to Cope After the Earthquake

Red Cross voluntaries hand out tarpaulins and put up tents in the village of Khalckok in Nepal. Palani Mohan/IFRC - by Patrick Fuller
May 6, 2015

To the casual observer, the busy highway between Kathmandu and the town of Kavere, gives a misleading impression of the extent of the destruction caused by the 25 April earthquake. Life goes on as normal and homes and shops are untouched. It’s not until you turn off the road at the town of Sangha and travel three kilometres up a bumpy dirt track into the surrounding hills, that the true picture of this disaster unfolds.

A team of young Nepal Red Cross Society volunteers is delivering tents and tarpaulins to households in the remote village of Khalchok, perched high on a ridge traversing a series of hill-tops. 115 of the 135 homes in the community are either totally destroyed or uninhabitable. The higher you travel, the worse the damage becomes. When the track ends,  the volunteers disembark from the 4-wheeled drive vehicle and start to carry the first of the family tents on a half hour trek up a narrow path to what remains of the home of Subash Lama.

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ShelterBox responds to Nepal earthquake

SHELTERBOXUSA                                                             April 28, 2015
(Scroll down for related story)

Kathmandu, Nepal ---A ShelterBox response team is in Nepal to see how ShelterBox can be of assistance following an earthquake measuring 7.8 in magnitude....

... ShelterBox already has aid, including tents, prepositioned in the country, which could be used as emergency clinics, as well as shelters in the immediate aftermath.
Read complete report.

ROTARY NEWS                                                                     April 27, 2015
"Rotarians worldwide stand together in expressing a profound sadness at the devastation resulting from this weekend's deadly earthquake in Nepal," says RI President Gary C.K. Huang. "As we mourn the thousands of lives lost, Rotary joins other international agencies in providing immediate relief to survivors and mobilizing our expertise to support long-term recovery and rebuilding efforts throughout the country."

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Structural Adaptivity, Before and After Thoughts


As a means of concluding these writings on Structural Adaptivity and Resilience, following are some of the background thoughts, with recent revision, that led me to my proposals. Originally, my writings were directed at city and regional planning. However now I realize they are also about resilience.  I hope my submittals will be helpful.  I will try to write more soon.


Time.  Planners, resilience makers, and all other leaders and professionals dealing with the built environment must focus on long time spans.  In order to have significant impact on the future of our world, we must recognize that only by looking at big chunks of history and big chunks of future time can we really see the reality of what is going on.  Likewise, we need to do so in order to see the reality of what needs to be done.


Typical urban or regional plans target a future some 20 years ahead.  Moreover, they typically are based on past trends of 20 years or so.  However, our world does not change in 20-year cycles.  Twenty years is a very short time period in the flow of transformation.


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Structural Adaptivity, Rebalancing by Watersheds - Part II

Here is the second part of my Rebalancing by Watersheds Exercise.  I presented the background work recently in my Part I post.  Part II contains a Concept Plan Map and a discussion of the more particular information and data that led me to the Plan. 


Both Parts I and Part II are only a condensed version of the full text I prepared.  Within the portions I left out for this version is a considerable amount of technical information that some readers may want to see.  I will provide more of it upon request. 


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Structural Adaptivity, Rebalancing by Watersheds - Part I


One of the applications of structural adaptivity that I have presented is re-balancing our nation by major watersheds.  The benefits would be two-fold:  (1) growing our nation into urban regions where each would have resilient economic and adaptivity capacities; and (2) tying the regions to ample sources of fresh water by linking them to regional U.S. watersheds.


Because it would be such a large departure from recent trends and because I could discover no literature showing its possibility or desirability, I sought to perform an exercise to demonstrate its possibility.  In doing this, I am setting aside my own considerable shortcomings.  I am assuming that criticism of my arrogance in attempting such an exercise is less important than taking a step in a much-needed new direction.


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Afrique de l'Ouest : Compagnies combler les lacunes dans la réponse d'Ebola

toute l'Afrique7 octobre 2014

New York dateline article par Tami Hultman contient une description de ce que font certaines entreprises pour lutter contre l'épidémie d'Ebola en Afrique de l'Ouest.

ArceloMittal employé au Libéria

l'histoire décrit les contacts avec différentes sociétés et dit ::

"La prompte réaction des entreprises est le résultat d'un processus préparatoire de long mois pour coordonner les actions qui ont commencé avec les programmes d'information et d'éducation programmes agressifs. Depuis mars, quand la menace du virus Ebola a refait surface en Guinée, Sierra Leone et Libéria, après un relativement petit foyer rural plus tôt dans l'année, entreprises ayant des activités dans la région avaient prépare pour la crise émergente."

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Reaction Housing - Exo

submitted by Deirdre Darragh


The Exo Housing Unit

The Exos are base housing units that make up the foundation of the Reaction housing system. They provide private living and sleeping quarters for a family of four within a climate-controlled environment. An Exo is durable enough to be stored on a long-term basis and stacks for efficient storage and transportation. Electrical power is delivered via a connector line that powers each unit's lighting and four wall outlets. The Exo's design allows for numerous configurations to meet any need or deployment condition.

Setting Up the Exo

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NOMAD Micro Homes

NOMAD’s living room, kitchen, bathroom, stair, bedroom, and storage are all seamlessly integrated: a stair doubles as a kitchen, a window adds light to one area and a higher ceiling to another, a bathroom doubles as a shower, storage that can be used as seating, and so on. These features are not obvious at first glance, but each one is essential to NOMAD's livability.

NOMAD "Live" becomes NOMAD "Zero" when the following pre-engineered sustainable features are added: 
Solar Power
Composting Toilet
Rainwater Collection
Grey Water Treatment

They also offer upgrades . . .
Increased Wall and Roof Insulation
High Wind Loading
Triple Glazing

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