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Content Management - Global

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This working group is focused on discussions about content management

The mission of this working group is to focus on discussions about content management and sourcing of information from Sierra Leone and bring it to the World with the proper steps.



Bob Feron Elhadj Drame Hank Rappaport hank_test jperodin Kathy Gilbeaux
Lisa Stelly Thomas Maeryn Obley mdmcdonald MDMcDonald_me_com mike kraft

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The Cosmos Myth — OSS Foundation



climate change, ethics, science

The Cosmos Myth

The Real Truth About the Revelle-Gore Story

The 1991 Cosmos paper, “What to do about Greenhouse Warming: Look Before You Leap,” is not “Revelle’s article.” That is a myth, perpetuated at first by a few participants and now being spread by the many people they have misled. Revelle did not write it.

Revelle, the grandfather of modern global warming science, former Director of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, and former science adviser to the U.S. Secretary of the Interior, was deeply trusted as an objective, careful and honorable scientist. He was worthy of that trust.

Texas Patient Tests Positive for Ebola


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Ebola Health Care Worker US Cases

Texas Patient Tests Positive for Ebola

Texas Patient Tests Positive for Ebola

A health care worker at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital who provided care for the Ebola patient hospitalized there has tested positive for Ebola in a preliminary test at the state public health laboratory in Austin. Confirmatory testing will be conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta.

The health care worker reported a low grade fever Friday night and was isolated and referred for testing. The preliminary ​test result was received late Saturday.

"We knew a second case could be a reality, and we've been preparing for this possibility," said Dr. David Lakey, commissioner of the Texas Department of State Health Services. "We are broadening our team in Dallas and working with extreme diligence to prevent further spread."

Ebola crisis: global response has ‘failed miserably’, says World Bank chief | World news | The Guardian

GRS USRS Africa RSs and RI

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World Bank ebola

Ebola crisis: global response has ‘failed miserably’, says World Bank chief

The president of the World Bank, Jim Kim, admitted on Wednesday that the international community had “failed miserably” in its response to the Ebola virus that has killed more than 3,800 people in west Africa and warned that the crisis now affecting Spain and the US was going to get much worse.

Amid signs yesterday that western governments were being forced to take the risks of a global pandemic more seriously, Kim said he wanted them to back a new $20bn (£12bn) global health fund that would be able to react instantly to emergencies.

“It’s late. It’s really late,” he said in an interview with the Guardian before the annual meeting of the Washington-based organisation this weekend.

“We should have done so many things. Healthcare systems should have been built. There should have been monitoring when the first cases were reported. There should have been an organised response.”

BBC News - UK Ebola screening for arrivals from affected countries


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ebola containment screening

UK Ebola screening for arrivals from affected countries

9 October 2014 Last updated at 14:43 ET
The US has already implemented checks for passengers arriving at some American airports
The UK is to introduce "enhanced screening" for Ebola for arrivals from affected countries.

Downing Street said passengers arriving at Gatwick, Heathrow and on Eurostar would face questions and potentially a medical assessment.

Earlier ministers had ruled out screening, saying the UK was following World Health Organisation advice.

Meanwhile, the UK is investigating reports a Briton suspected of having Ebola has died in Macedonia.

A Macedonian government spokesman told the BBC he could not confirm that Ebola was the cause of death of the Briton, who died in the capital, Skopje.
He said samples of blood and tissue had been taken and were being sent to a laboratory in Frankfurt for analysis.

The spokesman said the man's travelling companion, also British, had told the authorities there they had travelled to Skopje directly from Britain and had not been in any country known to have Ebola outbreaks.

(task) Ebola Thrives in Brittle West African Health Systems

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New Resilience Systems and Groups

A message to the Content Management working group:

Thank you all for the wonderful job you are doing. We want to let you know that we have now setup new Resilience Systems for Liberia, Nigeria, and Sierra Leone (please seelinks provided below).

We would like posts for these three countries to be country-specific,so we will only want to post information that applies to each of these three countrieswithin these three Resilience Systems.

We still want to post all Ebola-related informationwithin the Guinea Resilience System and Conakry Resilience System.

For your convenience, a list of domains with applicableEbola-related groups for each is provided below.

Global Resilience System – Africa Resilience Initiative(group)
Global Health (group)
Guinea Resilience System (group)

Guinea Resilience System - Public Health - Guinea (group)

Conakry Resilience System - Public Health - Conakry(group)

Report: Fracking study changed after intervention by NY State officials | Al Jazeera America



fracking water petro policy

Report: Fracking study changed after intervention by NY State officials

A 2013 federal water study was edited to play down the negative effects of hydraulic fracturing or “fracking” following a flurry of email exchanges between the authors and New York state officials, according to a report published this week by local political news website Capital New York.

The study, conducted by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), had examined naturally occurring methane in water wells across the gas-rich Southern Tier, a group of counties located on New York’s border with Pennsylvania.

New York state Gov. Andrew Cuomo, who commissioned the study in 2011, has long maintained that he would only approve fracking if science shows that it can be done safely.

But some environmental experts are accusing the Cuomo administration of meddling with the study in order to blunt the impact of a number of politically inconvenient findings — a move that would enable him to move forward with controversial energy policies.


howdy folks
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