2012 Communities Collaborating Institute: Innovating Together

Why not invest in yourself in 2012?  Tamarack is pleased to announce a number of outstanding learning opportunities we have planned, designed to grow your capacity as an innovative community leader. 

2012 Communities Collaborating Institute:  Innovating Together

Plan now to join us for this signature week-long leadership institute to be held October 1 - 5, 2012 in Kitchener, Waterloo.  We are pleased to be joined by a stellar line up of thought leaders including Margaret (Meg) Wheatley, Tim Brodhead, Al Etmanski and Michael Jones.  Read more about the 2012 Communities Collaborating Institute here.  Be one of the first to register for the 2012 Communities Collaborating Institute.   

Tamarack's Tele-Learning Series – Interviews you won't want to miss!

Close Call for Doc PJ in Sudan

By Dr. C. Louis Perrinjaquet - summitdaily.com - January 16, 2012


Dr. Craig Perrinjaquet of Breckenridge examines a gun-toting Honduran villager in 2007. In his most recent international medical aid trip to Sudan, Doc PJ had his camera and other belonging confiscated by rebels.  Special to the Daily

Breckenridge doctor returns from war-torn nation

I am a medical doctor based in Breckenridge. I recently returned from a medical mission in the Nuba Mountains of Sudan. I spent the month of October volunteering at the Mother of Mercy Hospital in Gidel near the village of Kauda in South Kordofan, Sudan.

I am about the only U.S. citizen to have been in this area in the past six months and can testify to the fact that the aerial bombings of civilians are real. We cared for many men, women and children who were the victims of these senseless attacks. I feel an obligation to share what I saw and urge everyone in the strongest way possible to use whatever means are available through the U.S. government to pressure the rulers of Sudan to stop terrorizing and killing their own people.

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Slow Response to East Africa Famine 'Cost 'Lives'

BBC News - January 18, 2012


The US government says 29,000 children under five years old died between May and July 2011

Thousands of needless deaths occurred from famine in East Africa last year because the international community failed to heed early warnings, say two leading British aid organisations.

Oxfam and Save the Children say it took more than six months for aid agencies to act on warnings of imminent famine.

Between 50,000 and 100,000 people have died in Kenya, Ethiopia and Somalia.


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Counting the Cost of Calamities

submitted by Toan Phan


economist.com - January 14, 2012 - ROTTERDAM, NETHERLANDS AND WASHINGTON, DC

Death rates from natural disasters are falling; and fears that they have become more common are misplaced. But their economic cost is rising relentlessly

THE world’s industrial supply chains were only just recovering from Japan’s earthquake and tsunami in March when a natural disaster severed them again in October. An unusually heavy monsoon season swelled rivers and overwhelmed reservoirs in northern Thailand. The floodwaters eventually reached Bangkok, causing a political crisis as residents fought over whose neighbourhoods would flood.


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Scottish Anthrax Outbreak 'Worst in UK in 50 Years'

The anthrax outbreak claimed 14 lives in Scotland

BBC News - January 5, 2012

An outbreak of anthrax among drug users in Scotland between 2009 and 2010 was the largest in the UK for 50 years, according to an official report.

Health Protection Scotland (HPS) said there were 119 cases of anthrax and a total of 14 deaths during the outbreak.

Its report also recorded it as "the first documented outbreak associated with heroin use anywhere in the world".

HPS warned that as long as there was an illegal drug trade there was a risk of a similar outbreak.


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With Work Scarce in Athens, Greeks Go Back to the Land

by Rachel Donadio - The New York Times - January 8, 2012


Vassilis Ballas and his wife, Roula Boura, extracted the gum from a mastic tree on their 400-tree farm in Chios, Greece.  Eirini Vourloumis for The New York Times

CHIOS, Greece — Nikos Gavalas and Alexandra Tricha, both 31 and trained as agriculturalists, were frustrated working on poorly paying, short-term contracts in Athens, where jobs are scarce and the cost of living is high. So last year, they decided to start a new project: growing edible snails for export.

As Greece’s blighted economy plunges further into the abyss, the couple are joining with an exodus of Greeks who are fleeing to the countryside and looking to the nation’s rich rural past as a guide to the future.


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Massive Bangkok style flooding could happen in Vietnam

A fruit vendor waits for customers at a flooded market in Ho Chi Minh City’s District 2

WILL Interactive Launches '$500,000 Simulate a Better World Challenge' to Promote Social Change

submitted by Theresa Bernardo

WASHINGTON, Dec. 14, 2011 /PRNewswire/ -- WILL Interactive, Inc., the nation's most experienced developer of computer-based interactive training simulations, today announced the launch of the $500,000 Simulate a Better World Challenge.

The winner of the Challenge will have the unique opportunity to select the subject matter and help guide the creation of an interactive simulation.  The finished program will be distributed nationally to address an issue of major societal importance in an effort to create real, sustainable change. The competition is open to applications from all organizations and individuals through February 29, 2012. Learn about the Challenge.


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COP 17 and Vietnam

Viet Nam News reporters Minh Thi and Quynh Anh spoke to three experts who have recently returned from the COP 17 Durban climate change talks to see how the outcome will affect Viet Nam's on-going efforts in the fight against climate change.

What are the successes of COP 17?

Dao Xuan Lai, assistant country director and head of Sustainable Development Cluster, UNDP Viet Nam


Video - Dr. Upmanu Lall - Water Shortages

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Will the Next War Be Fought Over Water?

by Megan Erickson - bigthink.com - December 23, 2011

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The Next 5 in 5 - Innovations That Will Change Our Lives in the Next Five Years

submitted by Albert Gomez


Science fiction becomes reality. Worlds collide. The future is now...or within five years, at least.

At the end of each year, IBM examines market and societal trends expected to transform our lives, as well as emerging technologies from IBM's global labs, to develop a multi-year forecast called The Next 5 in 5.

IBM predicts that over the next five years technology innovations will change the way we work, live and play in the following ways:


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Vietnam: Green Architecture & Greener Cities

According to projections in the Vietnam Development Report 2011, by 2025 half of the country’s population will live in cities — compared to today’s 30 percent. If this much is true, thoughtful construction amid conscious urban planning will be key to making Vietnam’s municipal landscapes more green; both physically for healthier living and in terms of its carbon footprint.

NASA: Warming Will Transform Natural World

By PAT BRENNAN - The Orange County Register - miamiherald.com - December 19, 2011


Global warming could bring a major transformation for Earth's plants and animals over the next century, a NASA study says, driving nearly half the planet's forests, grasslands and other vegetation toward conversion into radically different ecosystems.

The ecological stress could give a boost to invasive species, but at the expense of natives, reducing the diversity of plants and animals overall.

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Storm Leaves Huge Humanitarian Needs in Philippines, U.N. Says

December 21, 2011

(CNN) -- The devastation in the southern Philippines left by Tropical Storm Washi has created "huge" humanitarian needs in the area, the United Nations said Wednesday, estimating that nearly a half-million people are in need of assistance.

"The first priority is to help those who are displaced as a result of the floods," Valerie Amos, the U.N. emergency relief coordinator, said in comments published on the organization's website. "People urgently need shelter and clean drinking water, as well as bedding, food and basic household items."

Amos called on other countries and international organizations to increase relief efforts for the stricken region. A number of U.N. agencies, including the World Food Program and the World Health Organization, have stepped up humanitarian measures in the past few days, she said.

The storm, known locally as Sendong, plowed across the southern Philippines over the weekend, leaving tens of thousands of people homeless and aid agencies struggling to deal with the aftermath.

The United Nations estimated that about 285,000 people had been displaced, with many of them are finding shelter with relatives or in makeshift structures.

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