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Overview of U.S.Defense Department activities against Ebola, including testing vaccine candidate

By Cheryl Pellerin

DoD News, Defense Media Activity

WASHINGTON, Sept. 26, 2014 – The Defense Department has made critical contributions to the fight against the deadly Ebola outbreak in West Africa, and today Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel described additional ways the Pentagon is helping in the broader battle against infectious disease outbreaks of the future.

He spoke at a gathering of top government and military officials and infectious disease experts from 44 countries here to attend the Global Health Security Agenda, or GHSA, Summit hosted by President Barack Obama.

Hagel said ...the department also is accelerating the manufacture of potential treatments and starting clinical trials for a vaccine candidate and it has received approval to begin safety testing for one [Ebola] vaccine candidate that will be conducted at the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research.”

...The DoD Cooperative Threat Reduction Program is providing unique resources and expertise to enhance detection and surveillance, Hagel said, and all department assets will help civilian responders contain Ebola's spread and mitigate its economic, social and political fallout.

For fuller description of the Defense Department's activities to counter Ebola see link to the full article:

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Joint Forces de sécurité libérienne Slum


Associated Press 


Les forces de sécurité déployées mercredi pour faire respecter une quarantaine autour d'un bidonville de la capitale libérienne, le renforcement de la lutte du gouvernement pour arrêter la propagation du virus Ebola et les résidents énervant. 


Le Liberia a le nombre de morts le plus élevé des quatre pays ouest-africains touchés par la terrible maladie, et le nombre de cas est en augmentation le plus rapide. Présidente Ellen Johnson Sirleaf a ordonné la mise en quarantaine et a imposé un couvre-feu nocturne qui commence mercredi, en disant que les autorités n'ont pas été en mesure d'enrayer la propagation du virus Ebola dans le visage de défiance de leurs recommandations. 


"Ces mesures visent à sauver des vies», dit-elle dans un discours mardi soir. 


Pendant le raid ce week-end à West Point bidonville, articles sanglantes ont été volés et les patients potentiels d'Ebola ont fui, laissant craindre la maladie se propage hors de contrôle dans une zone densément peuplée. Il n'était pas clair pourquoi les gens voler des objets qui pourraient transmettre l'infection, mais il ya encore beaucoup d'idées fausses au sujet de la dangerosité de la maladie et comment elle se propage.

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U.S. Orders Departure of Eligible Family Members from Sierra Leone

Department of State SealPress Statement

Marie Harf
Deputy Department Spokesperson, Office of the Spokesperson
Washington, DC
August 14, 2014
At the recommendation of the U.S. Embassy in Sierra Leone, the State Department today ordered the departure from Freetown of all eligible family members (EFMs) not employed by post. The Embassy recommended this step out of an abundance of caution, following the determination by the Department’s Medical Office that there is a lack of options for routine health care services at major medical facilities due to the Ebola outbreak.

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WHO declares Ebola outbreak an international public health emergency

The World Health Organization has declared the Ebola outbreak in West Africa to be an international public health emergency that requires an extraordinary response to stop its spread.

It is the largest and longest outbreak ever recorded of Ebola, which has a death rate of about 50 per cent and has so far killed at least 932 people.

"Countries affected to date simply do not have the capacity to manage an outbreak of this size and complexity on their own," WHO chief, Dr. Margaret Chan, said at a news conference in Geneva. "I urge the international community to provide this support on the most urgent basis possible."

"Statements won't save lives," said Dr. Bart Janssens, director of operations for Doctors Without Borders. "For weeks, (we) have been repeating that a massive medical, epidemiological and public health response is desperately needed ... Lives are being lost because the response is too slow."

In the United States, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have already elevated their Ebola response to the highest level and have recommended against travelling to West Africa. On Thursday, CDC director Dr. Tom Frieden told a Congressional hearing that the current outbreak is set to sicken more people than all previous outbreaks of the disease combined.

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Turkey PM Erdogan Threatens to Ban Facebook and YouTube


Mr Erdogan has increased his majority at each parliamentary election - March 7, 2014

Turkey's PM Recep Tayyip Erdogan says his government could ban Facebook and YouTube, arguing that opponents are using social media to attack him.

But President Abdullah Gul later called such a ban "out of the question".

Allegations of corruption against Mr Erdogan have been repeated on the social media sites.


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People Surge Swells

Their grief turned into anger the following day when they joined a march that they now want to replicate in different areas across the country.

Series of protests vs Aquino govt set nationwide - by Ronald Reyes
January 28, 2014

SURVIVORS of super typhoon Yolanda and their supporters on Monday vowed to stage more protests to express their indignation at the slow government response to their needs, after last Friday’s “People Surge” demonstration gathered more than 12,000 people in Tacloban City.

“This is a People Surge – a swelling of the people demanding justice for Yolanda victims and asserting their right to food, housing, livelihood and social services,” said Sister Edita Eslopor, OSB, chairperson of People Surge, an alliance working for the victims of typhoon Yolanda.

. . . This is just the first of a series of protests that will fill the streets of major cities across the country in indignation of the Aquino administration,” Eslopor added.


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Opposition Says No to Ukraine on Power Share


Protesters lit tires aflame during clashes with riot police in Kiev. It was unclear if they would accept the president’s concessions. Volodymyr Shuvayev/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images - by David M. Herszenhorn - January 25, 2014

KIEV, Ukraine — In a striking concession aimed at defusing Ukraine’s civil uprising and preserving his own grip on power, President Viktor F. Yanukovych on Saturday offered to install opposition leaders in top posts in a reshaped government, but they swiftly rebuffed the offer to the delight of thousands of protesters on the street craving a fuller victory in the days ahead.

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For oppressive regimes, the Internet is another tool of repression

Submitted by Luis Kun - January 8th 2014

Claims that the Internet will “democratize” the global village are not supported by research published in the International Journal of Electronic Governance. Instead, non-democratic governments simply exploit the networks to spy on and control their citizens more effectively and efficiently than they did before.

In a post-Snowden NSA revelation world, many pundits have suggested that the age of true democracy is upon us as social lobbyists, citizen advocates, and others claw back the agenda from those who rule them.


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Battles Rage in South Sudan as Ceasefire Hopes Fade - Agence France-Presse - by Waakhe Simon WUDU - December 30, 2013

JUBA, December 30, 2013 (AFP) - South Sudanese rebels allied to ex-vice president Riek Machar sought to retake control of a key town Monday, the army said, as hopes faded that an upcoming ceasefire deadline will be met in the violence-wracked nation.

United Nations peacekeepers said they were concerned over claims that thousands of armed youths from Machar's Nuer tribe were readying to attack Bor, the capital of Jonglei state.

International efforts have tried to stop two weeks of violence, believed to have left thousands dead, from spiralling into all-out civil war.


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Using Available Resilience in Signing US-Afghan Security Agreement After 2014




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