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Leading from behind the curve on Ebola

- September 15 2014 -

The nation of Liberia — founded by liberated American slaves with support from Henry Clay, Daniel Webster and James Monroe — is not unacquainted with suffering. Two civil wars in the period from 1989 to 2003 and decades of economic mismanagement caused an 80 percent decline in per capita GDP — perhaps worse than any country since World War II. Warlords reduced Liberia’s infrastructure to rubble. In the 15 years following 1991, there was no electricity in the country except for private generators.

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World Health Organization (WHO) - Ebola Portal - Map

                              (FOR THE INTERACTIVE MAP - CLICK ON THE MAP IMAGE BELOW)

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Situation Report Overview by the Associated Press


Bulk of promised global aid has yet to materialize on the ground

 The Associated Press Posted: Sep 28,  Updated: Sep 28, 2014 1:10 PM ET

  Doctors are in short supply. So are beds for patients. Six months after the Ebola outbreak emerged for the first time in an unprepared West Africa and eventually became the worst-ever outbreak, the gap between what has been sent by other countries and private groups and what is needed is huge.

Even as countries try to marshal more resources, those needs threaten to become much greater, and possibly even insurmountable....

Beds are filling up as fast as clinics can be built. Ambulance sirens blare through standstill traffic. Often, there is nowhere to take the sick except to "holding centres" where they await a bed at an Ebola treatment facility.

The virus has killed almost 3,000 people and infected more than 6,200 in Liberia, Sierra Leone, Guinea, Nigeria and Senegal.

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Woman Saves Three Relatives from Ebola


Her trash bag protection method is being taught to others in West Africa who can't get personal protective equipment.
John Bonifield / CNN - by Elizabeth Cohen - September 26, 2014

. . . imagine how 22-year-old Fatu Kekula felt nursing her entire family through Ebola. . .

. . . Three out of her four patients survived. . .

. . . Fatu, who's in her final year of nursing school, invented her own equipment. International aid workers heard about Fatu's "trash bag method" and are now teaching it to other West Africans who can't get into hospitals and don't have protective gear of their own.


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U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation - Ebola Outbreak Coordination Conference Call


Event: Corporate Citizenship Center - Ebola Outbreak Coordination Conference Call
Friday, September 26, 2014 - 2:00pm

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation Corporate Citizenship Center (CCC) hosted a conference call on Friday, September 26 at 2:00 p.m. Eastern Time to discuss the Ebola outbreak in West Africa.

Over the past six months, an Ebola outbreak has affected five countries in West Africa (Guinea, Liberia, Nigeria, Senegal, and Sierra Leone).  The current outbreak is unprecedented in scale and geographical reach: the present West Africa outbreak has a higher caseload than all other previous Ebola crises combined.  Worse yet, the United Nations reports that the outbreak continues to accelerate, with almost 40% of the total cases occurring in the past 21 days.

CCC’s Ebola coordination conference call will provide updated information on the humanitarian response and the efforts to contain the disease.  It will also detail ways that the business community can help.

CLICK HERE - Listen to the Call Archive

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Ebola Death Tolls has Passed 3,000 - WHO

BBC      Sepember 26, 2014

The death toll from the Ebola outbreak in West Africa has passed 3,000, the World Health Organization (WHO) says.

The latest figures indicate that more than 6,500 people are believed to have been infected in the region.

Liberia is the worst affected country, having recorded around 1,830 deaths linked to the latest outbreak.

Some studies have warned that the numbers of infected could rise to more than 20,000 by early November.

  The report said two new areas, in Guinea and Liberia, have recorded their first confirmed cases of Ebola in the last seven days.

It also highlights the risk of infection for health workers trying to stem the outbreak. It says 375 workers are known to have been infected, and that 211 have so far died from the virus.

Some 600 people have died in Sierra Leone and a similar number in Guinea, where the outbreak was first confirmed in March.

Nigeria and Senegal, two other West Africa countries that have also been affected by the outbreak, have not recorded any new cases or deaths in the last few weeks, the latest WHO report says.

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Tourists advised to avoid Ebola zones of West Africa

NEW YORK TIMES      September 26, 2014


 .... The C.D.C. has issued a Watch Level 3 warning (“avoid nonessential travel”) for Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia, and a Level 2 warning (“practice enhanced precautions”) for Nigeria and the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Tourists should not visit these areas. The C.D.C. has recommended that foreign exchange, research and other education-related travel be postponed until further notice. Although the situation can change rapidly, there is now no risk of contracting Ebola in countries in West Africa without reported cases.

Anyone in the affected countries who gets a fever and symptoms like headache, muscle pain, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain or unexplained bleeding or bruising should avoid all contact with others and travel immediately by private transportation to a doctor’s office or hospital.

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Ebola: a Failure of International Collective Action

The Lancet, Volume 384, Issue 9949, Page 1181, 27 September 2014
Published Online: 10 September 2014
Mit Philips, Aine Markham

The Lancet Editorial (Aug 23, p 637)1 sums up the collective failure to respond in a manner that might have avoided or at least limited the scale of the present Ebola epidemic.

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Ebola Control Measures and Inadequate Responses

The Lancet, Volume 384, Issue 9949, Pages 1181 - 1182, 27 September 2014
Published Online: 10 September 2014
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Video - UN - Meeting on Response to the Ebola Virus Disease Outbreak - September 25, 2014 - September 25, 2014

High-level meeting on Response to the Ebola Virus Disease Outbreak.


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