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WHO recomends 2 monoclonal antibodies for severe COVID

The World Health Organization on Tuesday recommended using arthritis drugs Actemra from Roche and Kevzara from Sanofi with corticosteroids for Covid-19 patients after data from some 11,000 patients showed they cut the risk of death.

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Virus cases are surging at crowded immigration detention centers in the U.S.

As their populations swell nearly to prepandemic levels, U.S. immigration detention centers are reporting major surges in coronavirus infections among detainees.

Public health officials, noting that few detainees are vaccinated against the virus, warn that the increasingly crowded facilities can be fertile ground for outbreaks.

The number of migrants being held in the detention centers has nearly doubled in recent months as border apprehensions have risen, according to the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency. More than 26,000 people were in detention last week, compared with about 14,000 in April.

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Children and the Delta variant --what parents should know

What parents need to know about children and the Delta variant

The Delta variant of Covid-19 is more contagious than other lineages, and is spreading rapidly in under-vaccinated populations.

While vaccination is a matter of choice for adults, many children – particularly those under the age of 12 – cannot get vaccinated at all.

That leaves a lot of uncertainty, especially for parents and caregivers considering summer camps and school.

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