
Egypt in Turmoil as Defiant Morsi Stands Firm Over Coup Threat

Scenes of jubilation in Cairo's Tahrir Square after Egypt's army issues an ultimatum to President Mohamed Morsi to resolve the country's political crisis. The announcement is made on state television by the head of Egypt's armed forces, General Abdel Fattah al-Sisi. Helicopters fly over the square with huge Egyptian flags hanging below them. Pro-Morsi supporters hold a counter-demonstration at Cairo's university

President retains US backing and refuses to bow down to two-day ultimatum from the head of the nation's armed forces - by Patrick Kingsley - July 1, 2013

Egypt was thrown into fresh turmoil on Monday when President Mohamed Morsi's aides indicated he would not give in to the threat of a military coup just hours after the army gave him two days to placate the millions who have taken to the streets calling for his departure.

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Egypt: Protesters Gather Nationwide To Demand Morsi's Ouster - By MAGGIE MICHAEL, SARAH EL DEEB and HAMZA HENDAWI - June 30, 2013

CAIRO — Hundreds of thousands of opponents of Egypt's Islamist president poured onto the streets in Cairo and across much of the nation Sunday, launching an all-out push to force Mohammed Morsi from office on the one-year anniversary of his inauguration. Fears of violence were high, with Morsi's Islamist supporters vowing to defend him.

Nationwide, the rallies were among the most gigantic Egypt has seen in nearly 2 1/2 years of continuous upheaval, including during the square-packing, 18-day uprising that toppled autocrat Hosni Mubarak in early 2011.


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Egyptian Troops Deployed to Keep Order After Brotherhood Offices Attacked - by Reza Sayah and Greg Botelho - June 28, 2013

(CNN) -- Egyptian troops canvassed streets Friday after a fresh spate of violence in the volatile North African nation, hoping to prevent a repeat of the bloody, chaotic revolution of two years ago, a military spokesman said.

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Egypt Morsi Protests: Army Ready To Save Nation From Dark Tunnel, Defense Minister Says


Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi (C), Defence Minister Abdelfatah al-Sissi (R) and Prime Minister Hisham Qandil (L) arrive at Almaza military Airbase in Cairo on May 22, 2013 to attend the welcoming of the policemen and soldiers who were seized in Sinai by kidnappers following their release. (AFP) - by Hamza Hendawi - June 23, 2013

CAIRO — Wading into an increasingly volatile fray, Egypt's military on Sunday gave the nation's Islamist rulers and their opponents a week to reach an understanding before planned June 30 opposition protests aimed at forcing out the president, in a toughly worded warning that it will intervene to stop the nation from entering a "dark tunnel."

The powerful military also gave a thinly veiled warning to President Mohammed Morsi's hard-line backers that it will step in if the mostly secular and liberal protesters, who have vowed to be peaceful, are attacked during the planned demonstrations.

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Peak Phosphorus

A dead agricultural field.

Image: A dead agricultural field. - April 20th, 2010 - James Elser and Stuart White

From Kansas to China's Sichuan province, farmers treat their fields with phosphorus-rich fertilizer to increase the yield of their crops. What happens next, however, receives relatively little attention. Large amounts of this resource are lost from farm fields, through soil erosion and runoff, and down swirling toilets, through our urine and feces. Although seemingly mundane, this process cannot continue indefinitely.


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Toxic Waste on Par with Malaria as a Global Killer

A child at a lead-contaminated site. Credit: Blacksmith Institute Image: A child at a lead-contaminated site. Credit: Blacksmith Institute - May 9th, 2013 - Stephen Leahy

Toxic waste sites in 31 countries are damaging the brains of nearly 800,000 children and impairing the health of millions of people in the developing world, two new studies have found.

Toxins and pollutants in the environment are major sources of illness and reduced lifespans globally. The impacts on health in some countries are on par with malaria, said Kevin Chatham-Stephens, a pediatric environmental health fellow at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai.


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Locust Plague Ravages Madagascar


A swarm of the Red Locusts passes through the Madagascar town of Sakaraha, on April 27, 2013 (AFP, Bilal Tarabey) Experts estimate there are currently 100 swarms across Madagascar, made up of about 500 billion ravenous locusts

submitted by Luis Kun

Agence-France Press (AFP) - by Gaelle Borgia - May 9, 2013

ANTANANARIVO — For three quarters of an hour a giant swarm of locusts streams across the sky above southwest Madagascar.

Along National Route Seven, normally an artery for tourists enjoying breathtaking views of the island's vast open spaces, a 15 kilometre long (nine mile) swarm clouds the sky.

Travellers today see little more than a natural disaster in progress -- a plague of locusts which has already destroyed half of the Indian Ocean island's crops.


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Tomgram: Michael Klare, The Coming Global Explosion - by Michael Klare - April 21, 2013

In his pathbreaking 2001 book Resource Wars, Michael Klare wrote: “Natural resources are the building blocks of civilization and an essential requirement of daily existence.  The inhabitants of planet Earth have been blessed with a vast supply of most basic materials.  But we are placing increased pressure on those supplies, and in some cases we face, in our lifetimes, or those of our children, the prospect of severe resource depletion.”


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