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Analysis: Following COVID-19 precautions was closely linked to traditional values except in the U.S.--study

A new study from researchers at the University of California-Los Angeles shows the US population's response to COVID-19 precautions stood in sharp contrast to other countries.

Worldwide, people who professed to have more traditional or socially conservative values were more likely to adhere to COVID-19 recommendations, but in the United States people with those values were more likely to dismiss such recommendations.


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How Long COVID Affects liklihood of gastrointestinal problems --study


The vast majority of people who develop long COVID experience neurological issues, like brain fog and chronic fatigue, but growing evidence shows the condition involves many different body systems, like the heart, lungs, kidneys — and even the gut.

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Opinion: Brazil’s Favelas Offer Lessons in Building Trust in Dealing with Pandemics


Experts often cite mistrust of the government as a key reason certain communities ‌have suffered disproportionately during deadly outbreaks, including Ebola and Covid-19. Mistrust is a serious problem in a pandemic if it prevents people from obeying health recommendations, seeking medical care and accepting vaccines.

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