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The Opinions Forum is an avenue for editorials and opinions that reflect the pulse of public opinion on key issues that are shaping our world at the global, national, regional, and community levels. Whereas the cover stories, working groups, and other sections of the Resilience Systems and their nested subsystems are focused on evidence-based and science-based communication, the Opinions Forum encourages expression on topics of resilience-related importance to each community. The Resilience System content management team reserves the right to remove expression that is offensive. Violent, illegal, pornographic, or commercial communication will be removed. Insightful counterpoint is welcome.
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This forum focuses on discussions about the U.S. Occupation by Young Americans.

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This forum is focused on discussions about Hot Spots around the world.

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This forum is focused on discussions about shelter issues.

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There are now millions of people in the US and elsewhere that see their "world" as fragile and about to hit discontinuities that will make current societal structures tenuous at best. Two growing groups ("Preppers" and "Transition Town") give us a sense of two poles of reaction to the same view that the "world" we know today, meaning mainstream social norms and livelihoods, are about to come to an abrupt end for them and their communities.

Preppers are survivalists. They are concerned about the survival of themselves and their Prepper friends against the other masses that are not prepped.

The other movement that also sees the likelihood of large discontinuities in mainstream social ecologies as being high is the Transition Town movement. Transition Town is in some ways the opposite of the Preppers movement, in that they are community-centric versus focusing on their own survival at any cost.

What is your view of these movements and their assessments of impending discontinuities in current mainstream social order requiring changes in behavior and focus? If you believe that current mainstream social ecologies might have discontinuities under rapid global or regional change, do you side with the individualist survivalists or in the creation of a new social order in which Resilience Communities are resilient enough to help ensure that the communities around them are also resilient, further strengthening their own resilience?

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What are the key factors that define your community's resilience strategy under discontinuities in the mainstream social order?

Do you live in a Resilience Community surrounded by Resilience Communities?

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How are you preparing for changes in the social ecology of your area?

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If you believe that there will be no social discontinuities in your area, what is the evidence of this belief?

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The purpose of the "Hurricane Irene - Social Media" forum is to document important communications transmitted through social media during and immediately following the events occurring as a result of Hurricane Irene. We welcome your comments.

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