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MIDIR: European Multi-dimensional Integrated Risk Governance

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The MIDIR project
The project "Multidimensional Integrated Risk Governance" (MIDIR) was a Coordinated Action in the Sixth Framework Programme of the European Commission, Area “Science & Society”, Priority “Integrative approaches to risk governance”. Its main outcome is the MIDIR Approach, a Multidimensional Integrated Risk Governance framework, based on existing research. It is a comprehensive and scalable governance approach that can help create a culture of resilience and sustainability within and between groups. It includes performance monitoring capabilities suitable to organisations and to networks of organisations.

Partners of MIDIR were:
National Research Council, Institute of Research on Population and Social Policies (Italy), with support of T6 Ecosystems srl (Italy)
University of Dortmund, Faculty of Spatial Planning (Germany)
iku GmbH (Germany)
Gaiasoft International Ltd. (UK)
Federal Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs, Health, Family and Women of Rhineland-Palatinate (Germany)
Lazio Region, with support of LAit S.p.a. (Italy).

The project started in June 2006 and finished in May 2008.

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