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One Health

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The mission of the OneHealth Working Group is to integrate all health domains into one discipline worldwide.

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The One Health Working Group is focused on the issues of integrating all health domains into one discipline worldwide.
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admin Carrielaj ChrisAllen jranck Kathy Gilbeaux mdmcdonald
MDMcDonald_me_com TheresaBernardo

Email address for group

Strengthening Country-Led Monitoring & Evaluation System

Organized by UNICEF CEE/CIS, and Pan American Health Organization PAHO/WHO
April 15th, 2009

Good practices in using DevInfo: Recorded Knowledge Sharing Event

Chronic Disease: An Economic Perspective

Marc Suhrcke, WHO Regional Office for Europe (Venice, Italy)
Rachel A. Nugent, director of health and economics at the Population Reference Bureau.
David Stuckler, working with OxHA members and the WHO on issues pertaining to the global governance of chronic diseases.
Lorenzo Rocco, assistant professor of economics with the University of Padova in Italy.
London: Oxford Health Alliance

Web site:

Hand-foot-mouth disease deaths rise to 19 in Shandong

Updated: 2009-04-13 22:33

JINAN -- One more child has died of hand-foot-mouth disease in Shandong, bringing to 19 the death toll in the eastern China province, according to health officials Monday. The death occurred Sunday in Liaocheng City, the Shandong Provincial Health Department announced Monday, giving no details about the child.

Related readings:
HFMD death toll rises to 15 in E China city
HFMD kills 18 kids in C China, 195 severely ill
HFMD death toll rises to 11 in E China
Worst of HFMD outbreak still to come, warn top medics

Global economic crisis and health

Oslo, Norway, 1-2 April 2009

The global economic downturn occurs as the world is also confronted with the consequences of major demographic changes and global environmental and energy problems. The crisis therefore represents a major threat for both health and health and social protection systems.

Link to recordings:

Links to materials, conference programme and the webcast can be found at


A World of Science in the Developing World


“….The public and policy-makers are increasingly looking to the scientific community to address critical global problems.

Finding solutions will require the collective insights and experience of scientists, policy-makers, industry and non-governmental groups. A World of Science in the Developing World reflects the expertise of members and associates of TWAS, the academy of sciences for the developing world, and coincides with its twenty-fifth anniversary…”


PHREE-Way is a global action-learning consortium of organizations working together to expand education and strengthen capacity for disaster risk reduction and humanitarian action towards sustainable development and human security. The founding and initial members include international non-governmental organizations, research and training support organizations, and universities. All members adhere to human security, sustainable development, and humanitarian imperatives, as well as globally-recognized ethics and standards.

An Introduction to the Theory and Practice of Human Development

Textbook Project:

HDCA Textbook convened by Séverine Deneulin
Oxford Poverty & Human Development Initiative, Oxford Department of International Development
Queen Elizabeth House, University of Oxford, UK 2009
** These are draft chapters for comments only. They are not to be cited or reproduced without the permission of the authors.**

Measurement of integrated healthcare delivery:

a systematic review of methods and future research directions

Martin Strandberg-Larsen, PhD, MScPH, Unit of Health Services Research, Department of Public Health, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Copenhagen,
Allan Krasnik, MD, MPH, PhD, Professor, Director of the MPH-programme, Unit of Health Services Research, Department of Public Health, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Copenhagen,
International Journal of Integrated Care, 4 February 2009 - ISSN 1568-4156

Available online at : :

The healthcare trap

Why do rich countries spend so much on health, when evidence shows it doesn't make much difference to life expectancy?

Richard Smith, Tuesday 10 June 2008 11.00 BST

As countries get richer they spend more and more on healthcare. A congressional report (pdf) recently showed that the US might be spending 50% of its gross domestic product on health by 2082.

Could this happen in Britain? Is it possible or desirable?

CSIS: Global Water Futures

This White Paper addresses the growing global challenges of dealing with the
devastating effects of increasing water scarcity and declining water quality. Across
the planet, in developing and developed regions alike, poor governance and
mismanagement of natural resources coupled with rising population growth,
increasing urbanization, and economic development have led to a growing
imbalance between water supply and demand. This imbalance is reaching crisis
proportions in many regions. It will have even more significant consequences for


howdy folks