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Here's How Nigeria Beat Ebola

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  MOTHER JONES                       Oct. 10, 2014


LAGOS -- Nigeria's success in stopping the outbreak could have implications for other countries, including the United States. That's why the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) dispatched a team to the country this week to learn what went right.

So how did local and international health authorities curb Ebola in Nigeria while infections have continued to rise dramatically in Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Guinea?

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An Ebola warning at the Murtala Muhammed International Airport in Lagos

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THE GUARDIAN                                      Oct. 10, 2014

The key in the whole system approach to beating the war on Ebola is  contact tracing, sccording to Dr. Gavin MacGregor-Skinner, who helped with the Ebola response in Nigeria with the Elizabeth R. Griffin Research Foundation. "The key is to find all the people that patient had direct close contact with."

In Nigeria, a list of 281 people came from its single patient, MacGregor-Skinner said in an interview with the Guardian. Every one of those individuals had to provide health authorities twice-a-day updates about their well-being, often through methods like text-messaging. Anyone who didn't feel well or failed to respond was checked on, either through a neighborhood network or health workers.

Nigeria took a "whole community approach," with everyone from military officials to church elders in the same room, discussing how to handle the response to the virus, MacGregor-Skinner said.

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