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REUTERS April 16, 2015
CONAKRY - - Guinean authorities have confirmed at least nine new cases of Ebola in the southwest region of Forecariah near the border with Sierra Leone, the area hardest hit by the year-old outbreak, a senior health official said on Thursday.
Authorities launched a four day, door-to-door campaign in Forecariah on April 12 to improve community participation in reporting suspected cases and as part of an emergency 45-day drive to tackle Ebola in the west of the country.
Sakoba Keita, national coordinator for the fight against Ebola in the West African country, said...92 percent of households in Forecariah had been reached in the four day program.
"We have been able to find nine sick people (with Ebola) hiding in Forecariah," Keita told a news conference. "That discovery will allow us at least to stop the development of new chains of infection."
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