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(task) Utopian off-grid Regen Village produces all of its own food and energy | Inhabitat - Green Design, Innovation, Architecture, Green Building

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housing, sustainability, resilience, renewables, community, Epoch B

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housing, sustainability, resilience, renewables, community, Epoch B

> <>
> Utopian off-grid Regen Village produces all of its own food and energy
> Danish architectural firm EFFEKT <> envisioned a future where self-sustaining communities could grow their own food and produce their own energy. They incorporated that vision into the ReGen Village <>, a planned off-grid <> community that addresses issues ranging from climate change to food security through sustainable design <>. They plan to start building these utopian communities this summer <>.
> According to EFFEKT’s website, there are five principles <> behind the ReGen Villages: “Energy positive homes. Door-step high-yield organic food production. Mixed renewable energy and storage. Water and waste recycling. Empowerment of local communities.”
> Related: Circular Hakka Houses Create Self-Sustaining Communities <>
> Homes in these gorgeous communities are totally designed for sustainable living. They’re powered by photovoltaic solar panels, but passive heating and cooling systems take some of the pressure off the electrical use of each house. Families grow their own vegetables and fruit in connected greenhouses <>. Together, the houses form a “shared local eco-system <>.”
> Villages include several public squares that are equipped with electric car charging stations, and there are also vertical aquaponic farming spaces. The community shares water storage facilities and “waste-to-resource <>” systems. In addition, there are areas for livestock, communal dining, playgrounds, and community learning centers.
> EFFEKT Partner Simon Lynge said <>, “Our modern lifestyle is utterly unsustainable and this calls for more resilient solutions for the future. The technology already exists, it is just a matter of applying science <> into the architecture <> of everyday life. ReGen Villages is engineering and facilitating the development of off-grid, integrated, and resilient neighborhoods that power and feed self-reliant families around the world. The time has come to redefine residential real-estate development for the next three billion people coming to the planet.”
> The concept is exciting, and EFFEKT already has plans to take the design to the next level in their first community to be built in the Netherlands this summer. They’re also planning pilot projects in Sweden, Germany, Norway, and Denmark, with plans in the early stages for communities in China, Africa, and the United Arab Emirates.
> +EFFEKT <>
> Via Dezeen <>

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