Regina Benjamin as U.S. Surgeon General Candidate

Unconfirmed reports say that President Obama has tapped Dr. Regina Benjamin as his U.S. Surgeon General candidate.

Public Health and Economic Crises

The public health effect of economic crises and alternative policy responses in Europe:
an empirical analysis
David Stuckler PhD a b, Sanjay Basu PhD c d, Marc Suhrcke PhD e f, Adam Coutts PhD g, Martin McKee MD b h
a Department of Sociology, Oxford University, Oxford, UK
b Department of Public Health and Policy, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London, UK
c Department of Medicine, University of California San Francisco, CA, USA
d Division of General Internal Medicine, San Francisco General Hospital, CA, USA

UN director: $1 billion needed to help poor nations fight flu

United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki Moon today estimated that $1 billion is needed by the end of the year to help developing countries respond to pandemic influenza, the Associated Press (AP) reported. Speaking at a press conference in Geneva after a donor's conference, Moon said funding isn't coming in as expected. Margaret Chan, the WHO's director-general, said donor assistance is needed to help 49 developing countries stockpile antivirals and other drugs. [Jul 6 AP story]

UN director: $1 billion needed to help poor nations fight flu

United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki Moon today estimated that $1 billion is needed by the end of the year to help developing countries respond to pandemic influenza, the Associated Press (AP) reported. Speaking at a press conference in Geneva after a donor's conference, Moon said funding isn't coming in as expected. Margaret Chan, the WHO's director-general, said donor assistance is needed to help 49 developing countries stockpile antivirals and other drugs. [Jul 6 AP story]

Are the currently identified Tamiflu resistance cases significant?

Date: Sat 4 Jul 2009
Source: 660News, All News Radio, The Canadian Press [edited]

All cases of Tamiflu resistance are not created equal. So while the
1st 3 instances of swine flu infection with Tamiflu-resistant viruses
were reported in the past week, it was Number 3, not Number 1 that put
influenza experts on edge. Public health authorities in Hong Kong
announced Friday [3 Jul 2009] they have found a case of Tamiflu
resistance in a woman who hadn't taken the drug. That means she was
infected with swine flu viruses that were already resistant to

Health departments get mixed marks for using Web to communicate about flu crisis, study finds

Published: Tuesday, July 7, 2009 - 00:43

Is This One of Our Great Challenges?

This blog is intended to kick off a discussion on how Resilience Networks could support the achievement of the Millenium Development Goals

which will probably progress over a sustained period of time. However I thought it worth starting the discussion.

Flu in Argentina: a preview of America in the Fall

The spanish language newspaper "La Nacion" has several articles detailing the current situation in Argentina. The situation may be a precursor of what the Northern Hemisphere may face in the Fall.

Argentina has declared a health emergency. This is the first natonal health emergency since 2002.

The paper reports less activity in major cities in Argentina has slowed. Less people in the streets, on the subways, at the malls, in restaurants, and many shops closed.

The Millennium Development Goals Report 2009

Recent gains in eradicating hunger and poverty endangered by economic and food crises, says UN report

United Nations, 2009

Available online PDF [60p.] at:

Tamiflu resistant H1N1 from Hong Kong more worrying than earlier findings

By Helen Branswell –

TORONTO — All cases of Tamiflu resistance are not created equal. So while the first three instances of swine flu infection with Tamiflu-resistant viruses were reported in the past week, it was Number 3, not Number 1 that put influenza experts on edge.

Public health authorities in Hong Kong announced Friday they have found a case of Tamiflu resistance in a woman who hadn't taken the drug. That means she was infected with swine flu viruses that were already resistant to Tamiflu, the main weapon in most countries' and companies' pandemic drug arsenals.

Learning to Live in a World with the H1N1 Pandemic (webcast & podcast)

New Webcasts Now Available

Learning to Live in a World with the H1N1 Pandemic
June 30, 2009 Rayburn House Office Building

The CSIS Global Health Policy Center and the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation, in partnership with the Congressional Global Health Caucus, sponsored a briefing on the current H1N1 flu outbreak.

From CIDRAP:One Family's Experience in Preparing for a Pandemic

This is from CIDRAP; it’s an interview with one of the Flu Wiki crowdsourcers who was participating with the Friday meeting via webinar:

One family's experience

For Amy Bates Grant, preparing for a pandemic has been a process since 2006.

"I've learned everything that I could about pandemics," said the mother of two who lives outside Portland, Ore.

Grant said she used resources such as the Flu Wiki forum to learn how an influenza pandemic might affect her and her family, how to reduce exposure, and how she would cope if family members were infected.

@INFLUENZA - New listserver on Influenza Information and Knowledge Sharing

Dear Colleagues:

We are glad to announce the inauguration of the @influenza e-list for the dissemination and exchange of information about Influenza in the Americas and in the world; and as a contribution to improve the access to information.

The list is moderated to update and maintain the quality, and relevance of the content.

This virtual space is proposed for learning and active participation. We invite you to share this space and to send us your suggestions and information.


Marcelo D’Agostino
Knowledge Management and Communication Advisor

Pandemic Information Sharing and Community Resilience Workshop

On June 26th 2009 a dynamic synergy was established around the SO-H1N1 pandemic influenza at a Workshop hosted by the National Library of Medicine at the NIH near Washington DC.

Major steps were taken towards building a coalition of willing participants internal and external to government to better our nation’s planning and response efforts in support of the upcoming 2009 flu season.

Will a “play-or-pay” policy for health care cause job losses?

June 2009

Will a “play-or-pay” policy for health care cause job losses?

by Phillip Cryan

A play‐or‐pay employer contribution policy for health care would require employers who don’t provide their workers comprehensive health insurance to pay a new payroll tax to help fund public provision of health insurance for those workers. Many of the health care reform proposals currently under discussion in Congress incorporate such a contribution — as did the campaign proposal put forward by President Barack Obama.


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