Health creates welfare – the role of the health system in Norwegian society

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Norwegian Directorate of Health - 2008

Available online as PDF file [144p.] at:

‘….. The report for 2008 is a systematic description and review of the Norwegian health system based on the World Health Organisation’s definitions of functions and goals for health systems. The report also provides insights into and discusses the links between the health system, health and welfare in society.

With this report, the Directorate of Health seeks to:
• introduce the health system concept • demonstrate correlations between the health system, health and increased prosperity
• draw attention to a number of main challenges in the Norwegian health system
• raise awareness of and generate greater interest in the health system debate in Norway
• contribute a Norwegian perspective to the international health system debate….”


Summary and main message
1 The Norwegian health system
1.1 Definition of a health system
1.2 WHO goals and functions for a health system
1.3 Functions in the Norwegian health system
1.3.1 Service delivery
1.3.2 Generation of resources
1.3.3 Establishment and refinement of financing systems
1.3.4 Stewardship through governance, steering and coordination
1.4 Goals for the Norwegian health system
2 The health system’s capacity to improve public health
2.1 Life expectancy is increasing
2.2 The health system’s contribution to the good health of the population
2.3 How other factors affect the health of the population
2.3.1 Education and health
2.3.2 Work and health
2.3.3 Material and social living conditions
2.3.4 Behaviour affects health
2.4 The health system’s responsibility for cross-sectoral public health work
3 How health creates prosperity and welfare
3.1 Health, prosperity, welfare – an introduction
3.2 The relationship between health, growth, prosperity and welfare
3.3 Investing in health
3.4 Good health means increased prosperity
4 Chronic conditions – a special challenge
4.1 Chronic conditions illustrate challenges facing the health system
4.2 Diabetes and schizophrenia – two examples
4.3 Diabetes – worrying trend
4.4 Schizophrenia – a complex disorder
4.4.1 Development, causes and comorbidity
4.4.2 Investigation
4.4.3 Forms of treatment which have a documented effect
4.4.4 Preventing and revealing the development of psychosis
4.4.5 Costs
4.4.6 Two cases – different outcome, with first-time psychosis
4.4.7 The remission phase and the first years
4.4.8 User participation
4.4.9 Long-term illness and treatment
4.4.10 Schizophrenia and challenges for the health system
4.5 Ensuring good treatment Model: How to meet the challenges facing chronic care?

howdy folks