How to stop the next epidemic

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THE ECONOMIST                                                                                    May 19, 2015

..when the next epidemic breaks out, how do we prevent it from spreading around the world? It is easier said than done.
First: Early detection is critical, and it relies on good surveillance. But only 64 of the 194 member states of the World Health Organisation (WHO) have the surveillance procedures, laboratories and data-management capabilities required by the International Health Regulations. Improvements in things like basic public health infrastructure are needed...

Second: A swift response to an outbreak – which might involve getting skilled people, equipment and money to the right places – can potentially save more lives than drugs and vaccines. ... The World Health Organisation and the global community were slow to recognise that there was an international public health emergency.

Third: effective global coordination is needed. The UN created a special body to do this for Ebola, but many feel that this is the sort of role that the World Health Organisation should have been able to play. Some think it failed so badly in the case of Ebola that it needs a more clearly defined mission, along with better funding. It could also do more to utilise resources from the private sector....
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