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Manager: mdmcdonald
Created: Sep 13
The mission of the 100 Resilient Cities Challenge working group is to help cities around the world working with the Global Resilience System and its nested subsystems register & apply for Rockefeller Foundation grants of approximately $1 million.
Manager: mdmcdonald
Created: Jul 13
This working group is focused on discussions about Afghanistan.
Manager: mdmcdonald
Created: Mar 09
This working group is focused on developing an Africa Resilience Initiative to ensure resilience and sustainability for all Africans.
Manager: mdmcdonald
Created: May 09
This Working Group is focused on Agriculture and Food Security.
Manager: mdmcdonald
Created: Feb 14
Manager: Slade Beard
Created: Jan 09
This Working Group is focused on developing an Australian Resilience System to ensure resilience and sustainability for Australians.
Group: Biodiversity
Manager: mdmcdonald
Created: Oct 13
This group focuses on the impact that various species have on the environment and the necessity to have balanced ecosystems in order for humankind to be resilient and sustainable.
Manager: mdmcdonald
Created: Jul 14
This working group is focused on discussions about the Built Environment.
Manager: mdmcdonald
Created: Aug 11
This working group is focused on discussions about the Challenge Award.
Manager: mdmcdonald
Created: Apr 11
This working group is focused on identifying and monitoring changing paradigms around the world.
Manager: admin
Created: Feb 09
This Working Group is focused on developing a China Resilience Initiative to ensure resilience and sustainability for citizens of China.
Manager: mdmcdonald
Created: Jan 09
This working group is focused on issues of Global Climate Change.
Manager: mdmcdonald
Created: Jun 12
This working group is focused on discussions about communication.
Manager: mdmcdonald
Created: Sep 11
The Community Health Resilience Collaboratory is focused on exploring the advancement of community health resilience.
Manager: mdmcdonald
Created: Jun 09
A working group to define and facilitate community resilience, in the face of pandemic influenza and beyond.
Manager: mdmcdonald
Created: Feb 14
Manager: mdmcdonald
Created: Aug 14
This working group is focused on discussions about content management
Group: CrisisCare
Manager: admin
Created: Jun 09
Crisis Care Pandemic Flu Source Materials
Manager: admin
Created: Jun 09
Working group focusing upon the critical infrastructure needs to foster community resilience before, during and after a pandemic
Group: Cuba
Manager: mdmcdonald
Created: Jan 13
This working group is focused on discussions about issues involving Cuba.
Manager: mdmcdonald
Created: Feb 10
This Working Group is focused on the disaster response networks around the world.
Manager: mdmcdonald
Created: Jul 13
This working group is focused on discussions about earthquakes.
Manager: admin
Created: Jan 09
This working group is focused on the economic downturn and recovery.
Group: Economics
Manager: mdmcdonald
Created: Aug 11
This working group is focused on sustainable economics and financial balance within resilient social ecologies.
Group: Ecosystems
Manager: mdmcdonald
Created: Oct 12
This working group is focused on discussions about ecosystems.
Manager: mdmcdonald
Created: May 16
This working group is focused on discussions about the Ecuador Resilience System.
Manager: mdmcdonald
Created: Oct 14
This working group is focused on discussions about education.
Manager: mdmcdonald
Created: Jun 13
The Egypt Resilience System working group is focused on building health, human security, resilience, and sustainability in Egypt.
Manager: mdmcdonald
Created: Sep 12
This working group is focused on discussions about emergency management.
Manager: mdmcdonald
Created: Mar 09
This working group is focused on issues of Environment and Ecology to ensure resilience and sustainability for all.
Manager: Mohamed S
Created: Mar 16
Group: Epoch B
Manager: admin
Created: Feb 09
The Epoch B working group focuses on solutions to the global challenges to Earth's sustainability.
Group: Europe
Manager: mike kraft
Created: Oct 13
This working group is focused on discussions about issues involving Europe.
Manager: admin
Created: Jan 09
The FAC Team Working Group is focused on the design and development of FAC teams.
Group: Flooding
Manager: admin
Created: Jun 13
This working group focuses on what causes floods, ways to prepare and mitigate the impact of floods, and how to respond to and recover from floods.
Manager: mdmcdonald
Created: Jun 12
This working group is focused on discussions about genetically modified organisms.
Group: Global Health
Manager: mdmcdonald
Created: Mar 09
This Working Group is focused on exploring current and emerging states of health and human security worldwide.
Manager: mdmcdonald
Created: Aug 13
The Great Britain Resilience System working gourp is focused on maintaining and improving the health and human security of British citizens, and the resilience and sustainability of their communities of interest.
Manager: Shlomo Adam Roth
Created: Jul 14
This working group is focused on discussions about the Greater Palestine Resilience Initiative.
Manager: admin
Created: Jan 09
This working group is focused on viable green energy policy and technologies.
Manager: mdmcdonald
Created: Feb 17
This working group is focused on developing a Grenada Resilience System Initiative to ensure resilience and sustainability for citizens of Grenada.
Manager: mdmcdonald
Created: Aug 10
The GRIA working group is working to enable Global Resilience in Asia
Manager: mdmcdonald
Created: Jul 13
The Guinea Resilience System working group is focused on the development of Resilience Systems in Guinea.
Manager: mdmcdonald
Created: Jul 10
This working group is focused on building a resilient and sustainable Gulf Coast.
Manager: mdmcdonald
Created: Feb 10
This working group is focused on improving Haiti's agricultural production from a OneHealth perspective.
Manager: mdmcdonald
Created: Feb 10
This working group is focused on improving the mental health of Haiti's post-earthquake survivors.
Manager: mdmcdonald
Created: Feb 10
The Haiti Resilience and Sustainability Task Force is working on Haiti Phase 3 recovery and Phase 4 resilience plans and action steps.
Manager: admin
Created: Jan 09
This Working Group is focused on developing a Hawaii Resilience System to ensure resilience and sustainability for citizens of Hawaii..
Manager: mdmcdonald
Created: Jan 09
This Working Group encompasses issues of health care reform and more extensive critiques and proposals for health system transformation.
Manager: mdmcdonald
Created: May 13
The Honduras Resilience System working group is focused on building health, human security, resilience, and sustainability in Honduras.
Manager: mdmcdonald
Created: Sep 13
This working group is focused on housing initiatives.
Group: Human Rights
Manager: Gina Angiola
Created: Jun 13
This group is focused on human rights around the globe
Manager: mdmcdonald
Created: May 11
The Human Security Index Working Group is focused on measuring health and human security status in the U.S.
Manager: admin
Created: Mar 09
This Working Group is focused on the development of a Human Security Index that accurately measures societal conditions impacting human security.
Manager: mdmcdonald
Created: Jul 13
This working group is focused on discussions about humanity.
Manager: admin
Created: May 13
This working group focuses on hurricane history, prediction, preparedness, and response.
Manager: mdmcdonald
Created: Jul 13
The India Resilience System Working Group is focused on building health, human security, resilience and sustainability in India.
Manager: admin
Created: Jun 09
Working group focusing upon varous ways to share information in a most effective manner during a pandemic
Manager: mdmcdonald
Created: Mar 12
This working group is focused on discussions about innovations.
Manager: mdmcdonald
Created: Aug 13
The Ireland Resilience System working group if focused on the development of Resilience Systems and Resilience Networks to improve the health and human security of Irish citizens and the resilience and sustainability of their communities.
Manager: mdmcdonald
Created: Feb 09
The Kenya Resilience System Working Group is focused on the issues of developing and organizing the Resilience System in Kenya.
Manager: mdmcdonald
Created: Jun 11
The Knowledge Science working group is focused on exploring the advancement of knowledge science.
Group: Maps - Global
Manager: mdmcdonald
Created: Dec 13
This working group is focused on discussions about maps.
Group: MDG Monitor
Manager: admin
Created: Apr 09
The MDG Monitor Working Group is focused on improving scientific visualization of MDGs.
Manager: Gina Angiola
Created: Jun 13
The medical working group is focused on issues that affect delivery of medical care to those in need
Group: Memetics
Manager: admin
Created: Mar 09
This Working Group is focused on exploring a second replicator in human evolution.
Manager: mdmcdonald
Created: Sep 12
This working group is focused on discussions about mental health issues.
Manager: mdmcdonald
Created: Mar 09
This Working Group is focused on developing a Mexico Resilience System to ensure resilience and sustainability for citizens of Mexico..
Manager: mdmcdonald
Created: Dec 15
This working group is focused on discussions about refugees and human migration.
Manager: mdmcdonald
Created: May 13
The Model Resilient Communities working group is focused on examining communities that may serve as examples for emerging resilient communities.
Manager: admin
Created: Jan 09
This working group is focused on the health and sustainable security of the citizens and their communities in the Monterey Bay area.
Manager: mdmcdonald
Created: Feb 16
This working group is focused on discussions about mosquitoes.
Manager: mdmcdonald
Created: Apr 13
The Namibia Resilience System working group will engage a development process for the Namibia Resilience System.
Manager: mdmcdonald
Created: Jul 09
This Working Group is focused on growing resilience in Washington, D.C. and the National Capital Region
Manager: mdmcdonald
Created: Aug 13
This working group is focused on discussions about the Nepal Resilience System.
Manager: mdmcdonald
Created: Jun 18
This working group is focused on discussions about resilience issues in Nicaragua.
Manager: mdmcdonald
Created: Mar 12
This working group is focused on discussions about nuclear issues.
Manager: davidmc
Created: Jun 16
NutriCare Sierra Leone Program is established as an umbrella micro program under Child Health Care and Development Foundation to help gradually address the problems on hunger and Scale up Nutrition on local commodities.
Group: Obama Watch
Manager: admin
Created: Jan 09
This working group is focused on reviewing policies and other actions taken by the Obama Administration.
Group: Occupy DC
Manager: mdmcdonald
Created: Oct 11
This working group is focused on discussions about Occupy DC.
Manager: mdmcdonald
Created: Oct 11
The Occupy Everywhere Collaboratory is focused on exploring the nature of Occupy Everywhere.
Manager: mdmcdonald
Created: Oct 11
This working group is focused on discussions about Occupy Wall Street.
Group: Oceans-global
Manager: Gina Angiola
Created: Nov 13
This group is focused on issues pertaining to sustainability of the oceans of the world.
Group: One Health
Manager: mdmcdonald
Created: Mar 09
The One Health Working Group is focused on the issues of integrating all health domains into one discipline worldwide.
Manager: mdmcdonald
Created: Aug 10
The Pakistan Resilience System working group is currently focusing primarily on the humanitarian challenges associated with the flooding.
Manager: mdmcdonald
Created: May 13
The Peru Resilience System working group is focused on building health, human security, resilience, and sustainability in Peru.
Manager: mdmcdonald
Created: Oct 13
This working group focuses on issues surrounding the extraction, processing, and use of petrochemicals.
Manager: mdmcdonald
Created: Jan 09
This working group is focused on developing a Philippines Resilience System to ensure resilience and sustainability for all Philipinos.
Manager: mdmcdonald
Created: Jan 11
This Working Group is focused on exploring the question, "Why Are So Many Countries Throwing Out the Governments Now?"
Manager: Hank Rappaport
Created: Jan 14


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