WASHINGTON POST's detailed front page account of how the Ebola epidemic got out of control in West Africa. Oct. 5, 2014
by Lena Sun, Bradly Dennis, Lenny Bernstein and Joel Achenbach
The glow from a crematorium lights the sky as the bodies of people who died from Ebola are cremated last month in Monrovia
.... "The virus easily outran the plodding response. The WHO, an arm of the United Nations, is responsible for coordinating international action in a crisis like this, but it has suffered budget cuts, has lost many of its brightest minds and was slow to sound a global alarm on Ebola. Not until Aug. 8, 4 1 ⁄ 2 months into the epidemic, did the organization declare a global emergency. Its Africa office, which oversees the region, initially did not welcome a robust role by the CDC in the response to the outbreak.
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