Houses inundated in York, England after torrential rain caused rivers to burst banks. Damages are set to run into the billions of pounds (Flickr/ Alh1)
CLICK HERE - The United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR) - Facing the new abnormal
After severe flooding and shock tornadoes, now is time get serious about precautionary steps to counter climate impacts says UN disaster chief
climatechangenews.com - by Alex Pashley - December 30, 2015
Governments have been told to face a “new abnormal” of extreme weather after a wave of natural disasters wrought death and economic damage around the world in recent days.
Heavy flooding in Britain and South America, and devastating tornadoes in the US has laid bare the lack of official preventative measures, Margareta Wahlstrom, head of the UN’s disaster risk reduction agency said on Tuesday.
They highlighted how climate change-linked events were becoming harder to predict as the planet overheats, she said.
Implementing an UN-backed framework to protect people against climate impacts agreed by 187 states earlier this year was “critical”, the official at the Geneva-based agency said.
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