Resilient American Communities


Resilient American Communities Immigrant and Migrant Workers Center of Excellence is serving as host and convener for collaborators working to improve the health of immigrant and migrant workers. 

National Statistics

Since April 2020, FERN has been closely tracking the spread of Covid-19 at meatpacking plants, processing facilities, and farms. As of April 29 at 12pm ET:

Meatpacking and food processing plants have had confirmed cases of Covid-19.

Farms and production facilities have had confirmed Covid-19 cases.

Workers have tested positive for Covid-19.

Workers have died.

From Our Sites

There are millions of workers who live on the move. They do the jobs that most will not. They go where the work is—fields, factories, construction sites— and take enormous risks in order to survive in the hope of a better life. At the same time, there is a group of clinicians who are committed to serving these workers and their families
Migrant Clinicians Network


Communities responding to disaster, united in a desire to be resilient in the face of COVID-19 and save lives.
Resilient American Communities


Let’s Start Something new
Say Hello!

RAC National Communications

RAC Center of Excellence for Migrant and Immigrant Workers: 

RAC BellAge Aging Well Center of Excellence on Aging

RAC Center of Excellence on Social Equity

RAC Center of Excellence on Homelessness

RAC Center of Excellence on Youth

RAC Interfaith Center of Excellence

RAC Center of Excellence for Persons with Disabilities

RAC Workforce Center of Excellence