Page Navigation Practice
Do you have questions about grantwriting?
Do you want to understand how federal agencies approach grants?
Do you want to work with data?
Do you not know where to start?
You are in the right place.
This is an introductory navigation module demonstrating the 3 module types you will use to access resources, and how to return to the Introduction to Grant Writing Landing Page.
Take it one step at a time.
This Resource Hub contains categories of pages that will link you to many other pages that have visual tools, documents, and content about grant writing and data.
If at any point you end up on a page you do not want to be on, click on the RESOURCE HUB HOME button to access the Introduction to Grant Writing page.
I. How to Use a Tab Module
1. You are currently in the Introduction Tab. You will see this above the text that you see when you open the page.
BUT WAIT, I am a Tab Module with more than one tab.
2. Click on the “How to Use this Page” tab at the top of this module to see more instructions.
You will find information in this Resource Hub in many formats.
- Web Pages
- PDFs
- Text
- Embedded Videos
- Interactive draw.io Diagrams
The How to Use This Page tab in the Tab Module at the top of each page will either explain how to use the tools on the page, or will give you quick links to take you to specific content on the page.
Underneath this module is a brief demo for the expanding modules used in this Resource Hub.
II. How to Use an Accordian Module
1. To expand a box below the title box, click the plus sign to the right of the box.
2. To minimize all of the boxes, click on the plus sign that appears to the right of the title box of the accordion.
3. Practice below:
Hi! I'm an Accordion. I expand!
Hi! Thanks for visiting me!
III. How to Use a Toggle Module
1. Click the plus sign to the right of the box to expand it.
2. Click on the minus sign that appears to the right of the box to close it.
3. Practice below:
Hi, I'm Toggle! Click me!
I don’t close automatically, so don’t forget to check that minus sign up there!
Hi, I'm Toggle! Click me!
I don’t close automatically, so don’t forget to check that minus sign up there! Am I annoying you?
Hi, I'm Toggle! Click me!
I don’t close automatically, so don’t forget to check that minus sign up there! Am I annoying you yet?
Developed by Heron Bridge Education and Miami Climate Alliance for Dream.org
Page last updated: 9.21.2023
Image Citations
- Sarah Klockars-Clauser, CC BY-SA 2.0 <https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0>, via Wikimedia Commons
- José Guadalupe Posada, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons
- Davidshet, CC BY-SA 4.0 <https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0>, via Wikimedia Commons
Created with generous support from Dream.org