Resilient American Communities
Pueblo County
State and Local Resources
Federal Infrastructure Investments
Public Infrastructure Investments
Find infrastructure investments in Semiconductors, Clean Energy Manufacturing, Batteries/EVs, Biomanufacturing, Heavy Industry and Clean Power.
Find Colorado investments using the drop down menu to the right of the interactive map.
Major Infrastructure Projects in all 50 States
To date, over 40,000 projects have been awarded funding from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. Find out about the Waterway Resiliency Program in Denver and Adams Counties, Colorado using the interactive map.
Rebates and Tax Incentives
Find out about clean energy rebates and tax breaks using the interactive graphic.
Federal Investments in Pueblo County
Pueblo County Public Infrastructure Investments
Public investments in the categories in the legend above include:
National Hwy Performance Program ($242K) : US 50A Overlay MP 296 to 309
Airport Infrastructure Grants ($1 M): Pueblo Memorial Airport
Department of Transportation ($439.6K): 125A Pueblo Interchange Improvement at Exit 108
Private Investment
Private investments in the categories shown in the legend above include:
CS Wind ($250M Clean Energy Manufacturing) and 850 Jobs
174 Power Global Corporation ($257.9M Clean Power) - 200 MW
Lightsource Renewable Energy Asset Management, LLC ($274.6M Clean Power) - 200 MW
Important Public Health Messages

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RAC Interfaith Center of Excellence
RAC Center of Excellence for Persons with Disabilities
RAC Workforce Center of Excellence
RAC Region 8 Communications
RAC Colorado Communications