Uganda takes the lead: piloting the Global guidance framework for the responsible use of the life sciences: mitigating biorisks and governing dual-use research

Over 40 million health professionals demand bold health and climate action at COP28

Five grassroots climate justice movements COP28 could learn from


Still, the annual UN summits have often been described as talk shops that do little to fundamentally improve the planet’s chances of surviving warming temperatures, or to ensure climate justice.

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The surprising environmental cost of rapid testing, mosquito nets, and other lifesaving health products


Altogether, these products — including mosquito nets, rapid testing, pills, and injectables — contribute nearly 3.5 megatons of greenhouse gases (GHG) per year, more than the total emissions of the city of Geneva. Reducing their use isn’t an option. But the report points to strategies that could lead to 70% reduction in emissions by 2030, many of which could be implemented at no additional costs. 

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The threat of respiratory illnesses is underway, CDC director says, and hospitalizations are on the rise

Vaccinated People Are 4 Times Less Likely to Get Long COVID --study

Vaccinated People Are 4 Times Less Likely to Get Long COVID | TIME

People vaccinated before their first case of COVID-19 are diagnosed with Long COVID almost four times less than unvaccinated people, suggests a large new study published Nov. 22 in the BMJ.

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In Antarctica , UN chief sounds warning about global warming affecting ice melting and ocean levels

UN climate chief says world stands on frontline of climate disaster at Cop28,


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Oil, gas producers must play bigger role in reaching climate goals--IEA head

Opinion: The infectious disease doctor shortage threatens future pandemic preparedness

Florida: Weekly COVID-19 data returns to Department of Health website

Half of COVID survivors still had symptoms at 3 years, more reinfections amid Omicron--China study


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Biden administration clean energy agenda faces growing difficulties

Air Pollution: Coal-fired plant air polution is much more deadly than originally thought--study

Mpox: UN confirms sexual spread of mpox in Congo for the 1st time; country sees a record outbreak


“This is the first definitive proof of sexual transmission of monkeypox in Africa,” Oyewale Tomori, a Nigerian virologist who sits on several WHO advisory groups, said. “The idea that this kind of transmission could not be happening here has now been debunked.”



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