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WHO - List of Members of, and Advisers to, the International Health Regulations (2005) Emergency Committee Regarding Ebola
Primary tabs - 6 and 7 August 2014
Dr Sam Zaramba
Senior Consultant Surgeon, Former Director General of Health Services, Ministry of Health, Kampala, Uganda
Professor Robert Steffen
Department of Epidemiology and Prevention of Infectious Diseases, WHO Collaborating Centre for Travellers’ Health, University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
Professor Oyewale Tomori
Redeemer’s University, Redemption City, Lagos, Nigeria
Dr Abdullah Al-Assiri
Assistant Deputy Minister of Health for Preventive Health, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Professor Chris Baggoley
Chief Medical Officer, Department of Health and Ageing, Canberra, Australia
Professor Lucille Blumberg
Deputy Director, National Institute for Communicable Diseases, National Health Laboratory Service, Johannesburg, South Africa
Dr Martin Cetron
Director, Division of Global Migration and Quarantine, National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, United States of America
Dr Alain Epelboin
Researcher in Medical Anthropology, National Centre for Scientific Research and National Museum of Natural History, Paris, France
Dr Amara Jambai
Director, Disease Prevention and Control, Ministry of Health, Freetown, Sierra Leone
Professor James LeDuc
Director of Galveston National Laboratory, University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, United States of America
Dr Fernando Otaiza
Chief, National Infection Prevention and Control Programme, Ministry of Health, Santiago, Chile
Dr Mark Salter
Global Health Consultant, Public Health England, London, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Dr Theresa Tam
Branch Head, Health Security Infrastructure Branch, Public Health Agency of Canada, Ottawa, Canada
Professor William Ampofo
Head of Virology Department, Noguchi Memorial Institute for Medical Research, University of Ghana, Accra, Ghana
Colonel (retired) Vincent Anami
Continent Representative (Africa), Center for Disaster and Humanitarian Assistance Medicine, Uniformed Services University of the Health and Sciences, Friends International Centre, Nairobi, Kenya
Dr Vincent Covello
Director, Center for Risk Communication, New York, United States of America
Dr Anthony Evans
Chief, Aviation Medicine Section, International Civil Aviation Organization
Dr Maria João Martins
Advisor to the General Director of Health for International Health, Ministry of Health, Lisbon, Portugal
Professor Jean-Jacques Muyembe
Department of Microbiology, University of Kinshasa, and Director-General, National Institute of Biomedical Research, Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo
Professor Michael Selgelid
Director, Centre for Human Bioethics, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia
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