Resilient American Communities
Bay county
Regional and State Data (CDC COVID Tracker 12.11.2023)
Test Positivity in the SE Region
Floridians % up to date w COVID Vaccines (09.12.2023)
FL 65+: % up to date w COVID Vaccines (09.12.2023)
Bay County CDC COVID Tracker Data (11.07.2023)
% of Total Population Fully Vaccinated
% of Fully Vaccinated Population with a updated Booster Dose
% of Fully Vaccinated Population ≥ 65 Years of Age
% of Fully Vaccinated Population ≥ 65 Years of Age with an updated Booster Dose
National Maps and Tools: Information and Data Sources
Hospital Capacity Map Tool: Weekly HHS Hospital Data
Vaccination Hesitancy Mapped Timeline by County and by Zip Code
Vaccination Equity Planner: Ariadne Labs, Brigham Health, Harvard Medical School and Boston Children's Hospital
Housing Simulated Solutions 2.0
September 24, 2022
Mission Critical Functions Surveys
684 Surveys Completed December 10, 2020
Trust Network Members were on hand to answer survey respondents’ questions.
Trust Network Members were on hand to answer survey respondents’ questions.
Bay County Mission Critical Functions by Zip Code
Housing in all zip codes and solid waste management in 32401 scored the lowest on the resilience scale. Overall, 32401 had the lowest ratings, followed by 32404 and 32405, with 32444 receiving the highest ratings
Mission Critical Functions Vaccine Sentiment
Only 15.2% of respondents were prepared to take a vaccine. 30.6% were unsure.
Public Health Measures Compliance
29% of respondents wear a masks in public and observe that 58% of the public wears masks. 25% of respondents feel that there is not adequate compliance with enforcement of social distancing.
Tis the Season Flyer – Made with PosterMyWall
Community Forums now include trusted Health Services Providers and focus on Social and Behavior al Resistance and personal actions to increase health and strengthen the immune system.
MCF Survey Respondents Bay County 9-12:2020
84% of survey respondents resided in the 4 zip codes with the mont COVID-19 cases. 13% did not divulge their zip code.
Household Needs Assessments in Glenwood, Millville and St. Andrews “The Hill”
113 Surveys Completed June 6, 2020
- What Are Your Most Urgent Needs? 0%
- Food 32%
- Communications 18%
- Shelter 17%
- Medicine 15%
- Access to Medical Care 9%
- Job 4%
- How Many Weeks Could You Financially Sustain Your Household if Your Workplace Closed and You Received No Additional Pay? 0%
- 0 Weeks 26%
- 1 – 2 Weeks 44%
- 3 – 4 Weeks 19%
- 5 – 6 Weeks 3%
- 7+ Weeks 3%
- Choose Not to Answer 4%
Food Distribution Event Surveys
- Panama City Beach Lyndell Center – 174 Surveys July 2020 How often do you need food assistance? 0%
- Monthly 37%
- Every 2 or 3 Weeks 24%
- Every Week 24%
- Not Often – Only Due to Pandemic 2%
- First or Second Time 6%
- Other 7%
- Bay County Government Center – 567 Surveys July 2020 How often do you need food assistance? 0%
- Monthly 33%
- Every 2 or 3 Weeks 23%
- Every Week 25%
- Not Often – Only Due to Pandemic 3%
- First or Second Time 9%
- Other 7%
Bay County
What Bay County is doing to pull together to address COVID-19 will appear on the Bay County dashboard and in the RAC Center of Excellence Central Florida Panhandle Newsletter. Any top line data can be entered here as well. RAC Center of Excellence Central Florida Panhandle will coordinate what their RAC sites contribute to the electronic newsletter.
Can I get COVID-19 through contaminated food?
How dangerous is COVID-19 in terms of morbidity (getting the disease)?
How dangerous is COVID-19 in terms of mortality?
Where would COVID-19 infection happen?
Can I prevent COVID-19 infection?
How else can I reduce my risk of COVID-19-infection?
What can I do to reduce contact with COVID-19 in my community?
What would you do if someone close to you was infected with COVID-19?
What can I do to reduce the risk of COVID-19 infection in my home?
How would I know if I was infected with COVID-19?
What can I expect and what should I do if I’m infected with COVID-19?

Activities represented on this page were funded by
EPA Environmental Justice Grant #01D02020
LGBTQ Center of Bay County
Gulf Power Foundation
Website designed by Heron Bridge Education, LLC
Copyright © 2020 AGRR Initiative, Health Initiatives Foundation, Inc., All Rights Reserved
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