Resilient American Communities
Leon County
Florida New Covid Case Positivity Data CDC COVID Tracker ( 12.11.2023)
Test Positivity in the SE Region
Floridians % up to date w COVID Vaccines (10.13.2023)
FL 65+: % up to date w COVID Vaccines (10.13.2023)
Leon County Vaccination Data ( CDC COVID Tracker 10.13.2023)
% of Total Population Fully Vaccinated
% of Fully Vaccinated Population with an updated Booster Dose
% of Fully Vaccinated Population ≥ 65 Years of Age
% of Fully Vaccinated Population ≥ 65 Years of Age with an updated Booster Dose
Florida Vaccination Data (FDOH 10.13.2023)
White Vaccination rates
Black Vaccination rates
Hispanic Vaccination Rates
Youth Vaccination Rates
65+ Vaccination Rates
National Maps and Tools: Information and Data Sources
Hospital Capacity Map Tool: Weekly HHS Hospital Data
Vaccination Hesitancy Mapped Timeline by County and by Zip Code
Vaccination Equity Planner: Ariadne Labs, Brigham Health, Harvard Medical School and Boston Children's Hospital
Local Resources
Important Public Health Messages
Guidance on the Reopening of Florida
Small Businesses
Resources and guidance from leading experts, government agencies and America’s unions about the COVID-19 pandemic, and recommendations to limit its impact on working families – More
Families First Coronavirus Response Act
The FFCRA or Act requires certain employers to provide their employees with paid sick leave and expanded family and medical leave for specified reasons related to COVID-19. More
CDC Interim Guidance on Reopening
Reopening Guidance for Child Care Programs, Schools and Day Camps, Communitiesof Faith, Employers with Vulnerable Workers, Restaurants and Bars, and Mass Transit Administrators is available. More
CDC Businesses and Workplaces
Specific CDC Guidance for Businesses and Workplaces that enables businesses to Plan, Prepare and Respond to the reopening of the state. More
Community Partner Logos
Federal and Global COVID Resources
Johns Hopkins Center for Systems Science and Engineering

RAC CONNECT is the HIPAA compliant collaborative platform that is accessible through this module. The Vaccine Equity Survey is now available. Your survey results will be available on your RAC CONNECT dashboard to assist you in close to real time strategic decision-making. Here is a mock-up of a typical Vaccine Equity Results Dashboard. If you would like to deploy the Vaccine Equity Survey in your community please contact paige.sachwitz@efiia.
Can I get COVID-19 through contaminated food?
How dangerous is COVID-19 in terms of morbidity (getting the disease)?
How dangerous is COVID-19 in terms of mortality?
Where would COVID-19 infection happen?
Can I prevent COVID-19 infection?
How else can I reduce my risk of COVID-19-infection?
What can I do to reduce contact with COVID-19 in my community?
What would you do if someone close to you was infected with COVID-19?
What can I do to reduce the risk of COVID-19 infection in my home?
How would I know if I was infected with COVID-19?
What can I expect and what should I do if I’m infected with COVID-19?

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Copyright © 2020 AGRR Initiative, Health Initiatives Foundation, Inc., All Rights Reserved
RAC Center of Excellence for Migrant and Immigrant Workers
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RAC Florida Communications