Resilient American Communities

central florida

Coalition Projects

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EPA EJ Final Report

Helping Low-Income Families Identify & Address Hazardous Air Pollutants that Impact Health EPA Grant  #01D15120


2024 Air Quality Monitoring Sites in the Orlando Metropolitan Area

EPA ARP Enhanced Air Quality Monitoring Project

EPA Grant # 5X02D45423

Vaccination Equity Planner

Delivering COVID-19 vaccines to people equitably requires leaders to plan and upgrade their delivery strategies regularly. Ariadne Labs and the Boston Children's Hospital built the Vaccine Equity Planner to help public health officials, providers, employers, researchers and others assess various scenarios to support equitable access.

Pandemic Vulnerability Index (PVI)

Population-level data is a powerful resource for understanding how the virus is spreading and which communities are at risk. However, interpreting that information is challenging. The data visualization in this dashboard offers an effective means of communicating data to scientists, policy makers, and the public.

National Maps and Tools: Information and Data Sources

Hospital Capacity Map Tool: Weekly HHS Hospital Data

Vaccination Hesitancy Mapped Timeline by County and by Zip Code

Vaccination Equity Planner: Ariadne Labs, Brigham Health, Harvard Medical School and Boston Children's Hospital

State and Local Resources

Community Partners

Coalition of 100 Black Women  advocates for Black Women through national and local actions and strategic alliances to promote leadership development and gender equality in the areas of health, education and economic empowerment.  Website

We cover critical issues affecting marginalized communities in urban Orlando. This ain’t no Mickey Mouse podcast. 32805 is the ZIP code for Orlando neighborhoods that tourists never see. #BlackLivesMatter              More

Community Equity Project, Inc. (CEP)

A community-based organization committed to advocating and addressing racism and inequities in environment, health, public safety, education, economy, and social justice for historically underserved communities. Website

No Justice, No Peace

Founded in 1991 by Reverend Al Sharpton, NAN works within the spirit and tradition of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. to promote a modern civil rights agenda that includes the fight for one standard of justice, decency and equal opportunities for all people. More

Women of Color Leadership Coalition, Inc. is a non-partisan political organization
that encourages participation in public policy through advocacy, education,
and networking for all women of color.


Aspire Health Partners is committed to providing individuals and families of Central Florida with compassionate, comprehensive and cost effective behavioral health care services that lead to successful living and healthy, responsible lifestyles.

Aspire Health Partners offers the highest quality of services at the most reasonable cost by developing relationships with appropriate partners. Website


CFBNA was organized in July 1982 and became a charted chapter of the National Black Nurses Association in August, 1994. The purpose of our local chapter which is made up of Registered Nurses (RN), Licensed Practical Nurses (LPN) and Student Nurses is to support our community by improving the quality of life for minorities consumers by providing community health services. This is accomplished by investigating, defining and implementing change in the minority community by utilizing our professional skills to motivate consumers to make healthy lifestyle choices.

Christ the King Healing Hunger Food Pantry

Healing Hunger Food Pantry is open from 8 am to 10 am on the 2nd Saturday of every month at 26 Willow Drive, Orlando 32807. Drop-in appointments can also be made. The Food Pantry also supports a Washington Shores sit and a Town of Eatonville site in Orange County and  a site in Osceola County County.(407) 277-1151 Facebook


The Division of Emergency Management plans for and responds to both natural and man-made disasters.  These range from floods and hurricanes to incidents involving hazardous materials or nuclear power.  Website

The Oasis

Our Mission is to promote and empower the LGBT Community and its allies through information, education, advocacy and support.  Website

The Equity Council Corp. is a nonprofit organization that fights for equity in education, and the protection of civil liberties for all disenfranchised marginalized students and their communities. Facebook

The Fight Back Coalition represents the people of Orlando in a quest to move our community forward together in a new direction. A direction that puts people above profit, that puts fairness above greed, and that puts residents above developers.

Teachers for Justice was founded in loving memory of Leroy Blanding Jr. Our mission is to bridge the gap between our youth local police departments through education, self-empowerment, & community events.


RAC CONNECT is the HIPAA compliant collaborative platform that is accessible through this module. The Vaccine Equity Survey is now available. Your survey results will be available on your RAC CONNECT dashboard to assist you in close to real time strategic decision-making. Here is a mock-up of a typical Vaccine Equity Results Dashboard. If you would like to deploy the Vaccine Equity Survey in your community please contact

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 Website designed  by Heron Bridge Education, LLC (2020)

 Copyright © 2021, Health Initiatives Foundation, Inc., All Rights Reserved




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RAC Interfaith Center of Excellence

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