Federal and Global COVID Resources

Johns Hopkins Center for Systems Science and Engineering


RAC CONNECT is the HIPAA compliant collaborative platform that is accessible through this module. The Vaccine Equity Survey is now available. Your survey results will be available on your RAC CONNECT dashboard to assist you in close to real time strategic decision-making. Here is a mock-up of a typical Vaccine Equity Results Dashboard. If you would like to deploy the Vaccine Equity Survey in your community please contact paige.sachwitz@efiia.com

 Website designed  by Heron Bridge Education, LLC 

 Copyright © 2021 Health Initiatives Foundation, Inc., All Rights Reserved



RAC National Communications

RAC Center of Excellence for Migrant and Immigrant Workers: 

RAC BellAge Aging Well Center of Excellence on Aging

RAC Center of Excellence on Social Equity

RAC Center of Excellence on Homelessness

RAC Center of Excellence on Youth

RAC Interfaith Center of Excellence

RAC Center of Excellence for Persons with Disabilities

RAC Workforce Center of Excellence

RAC Region 4 Communications

RAC North Carolina Communications