Miami Dade County Data

Standard EPA EJSCREEN Reports and Justice40 Reports for Miami Dade County Neighborhoods

Below are EPA EJScreen Generated Reports for Justice40 Criteria and EPA EJScreen Indices for non-census tract specific neighborhood geographies.

The reports on this page were generated in the EPA EJSCREEN Tool. The community reports include the Standard EPA EJSCREEN report with the date it was generated and the Census Tracts within the community. The second report shows the disadvantaged burden categories that the census tract meets.

Use the EPA EJ Screen demographic panel to describe the racial, ethnic and age profile of the community. Use the EPA Index panel to demonstrate how the environmental hazards and demographic composition interact. Use the indicator panel to compare the pollution and hazards in the geography compared to all census tracts in the nation.

Developed by Heron Bridge Education and Miami Climate Alliance for

Page last updated: 9.21.2023


Image Citations

jbruce, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons

Created with generous support from